The guy frowned and turned around, while Jimin sighed in relief when he saw Yoongi standing with a dark look on his face.

"And who do you think you are?" The man asked angrily and glared at Yoongi.

Yoongi didn't need to answer that, his gaze was enough. The man's scary façade crumpled down the moment he looked into that  deathly stare. His eyes fell down immediately and left with no word.

Once the man was out of his sight, Yoongi neared Jimin. Jimin didn't understand why there was a rush of emotions whenever Yoongi stood near to him. His breath hitched when Yoongi stared into his eyes, and brushed off unknown strands from Jimin's suit.

"I leave you alone for a while and when I come back, I see you talking to a stranger" Yoongi spoke in a low voice.

Jimin gulped and had this urge to explain himself to Yoongi, "I-I wasn't talking to h-him"

Jimin saw Yoongi's eyes trail across his entire face with an unreadable expression on his face. Then, he locked his eyes again with Jimin. He stopped breathing when Yoongi put his mouth right next to Jimin's ear.

Yoongi's hot breath fanning over his skin was doing something to him and all of it was accumulating at a certain part.

"I don't like it when people try to take what's mine" Yoongi whispered into Jimin's ear and the younger almost moaned at that.

Yoongi pulled back, "Next time, someone tries to disturb you; you can beat him up as bad as you want. I'll deal with the rest"

Jimin loved how Yoongi treated him like a glass figurine but at the same time he never let Jimin feel utterly useless and constantly reminded him just how dangerous he could be. He never let Jimin feel like a nobody.


Okay, things are getting out of hand.

Jimin was internally complaining to no extent after Yoongi decided that it was okay to do that. Few minutes earlier, Yoongi said that he was feeling hot and thought it was okay to open up the top button of his shirt and let his tie hang loosely around his neck.

And things were made worse for Jimin, when he saw a group of girls looking at Yoongi with flirtatious gaze. Jimin was feeling... thrilled and the burning jealousy just added to his hurling emotions and the growing situation in his manhood.

Jimin was sitting alone while Yoongi was talking to someone. The rest were also busy dealing with some of their business things. Jimin was so into this thoughts he didn't realize when Yoongi was sitting beside him.

"What is it, kitten?" Yoongi spoke which made Jimin jump a little in shock.


"What's going on your mind?" Yoongi asked again

Jimin couldn't just tell Yoongi that he was jealous of some girls and that he was feeling extremely ecstatic. That's embarrassing.

"Nothing... I-I just spaced out" Jimin lied

It wasn't until Yoongi leaned in that Jimin realized that the elder was sitting was soclose to him.

"My kitten doesn't like the way those girls are looking at me, does he?" Yoongi asked in a low voice.

Jimin was speechless and his stammering breath proved Yoongi's assumptions correct.

"There's something else as well, isn't there?" Yoongi asked again and subtly grazed his hand over Jimin's, "Is my kitten feeling a little excited, hmm?"

An unwanted whine slipped off Jimin's lips which further added to the dark gleam in Yoongi's eyes.

Yoongi leaned back which made Jimin whine again but he understood why Yoongi did that.

"Still nothing about J whereabouts but we do know for a fact that he was here" Jin declared as the rest walked towards them and sat in their respective chairs.

"Jongung is going to make a speech before the dinner is served" Namjoon added

Jimin was surprised how fast Yoongi's expression changed. Seconds ago he had a tempting, lustful and dark look on his face and right now his expression was all about getting his business done. Jimin could change his expression so quickly as well but with Yoongi everything went haywire. He was stuck with feeling uncomfortable in his pants and bubbling heat inside of him.


Everybody started clapping when that Jongung guy got up on the stage.

"V and I can confront him while he leaves after the party. The rest of you can head back. If things get messy we'll inform you" Namjoon said

"Yeah and I'll teach that piece of shit a thing or two about decorations" Taehyung muttered

"Baby, I know that your talent in designing is amazing. You don't need to prove yourself to anyone " Jungkook replied

Taehyung obviously wanted to smile at that but he also wanted to act pissed off. So, he thought that he could do both if he puffed his cheeks.

(A/n: Don't talk to Taehyungie hyung. He is angy)

Jimin was going to point that out to Taehyung but his words got lost in his mouth when he felt something. Yoongi placed his hand on his thigh and was rubbing vague circles. Jimin bit on his lip to stop a whimper escaping his mouth when Yoongi pressed his thighs.

His breath staggered when Yoongi started to graze his hand up and down Jimin's thigh, coming dangerously close to his manhood. Jimin hoped to see Yoongi looking at him when he turned his face, but instead he saw Yoongi had a blank look on his face as he watched the host speak.

But the story under the table was a whole lot different. Jimin couldn't help but moan very softly when Yoongi added pressure right next to Jimin's manhood. Some part of him wanted to push Yoongi's hand to save him from any possible embarrassments but the rest of him wanted to lead Yoongi where he needed him the most.

Jimin couldn't focus on anything when Yoongi was rubbing his thighs, letting his hand wander off so close to his manhood and yet not touching it. All of this was making him way too excited and even more uncomfortable to stay in his pants. The fact that they were doing something so scandalous and could be exposed at any moment just made Jimin even more excited. His legs involuntarily parted to give Yoongi more access.

He couldn't help the whine that left his mouth when Yoongi removed his hand.

"Jimin are you okay?" Taehyung asked when he heard Jimin whine.

Jimin was taken aback at that but he quickly gained his composure, "I don't know what he is saying... but whatever it is, it's getting boring"

"Yeah, hyung's right. I want food" Jungkook agreed

"You practically ate one third of all the snacks" Jin stated

"Shut up! You ate the other two-third!" Jungkook shot back

Jin rolled his eyes, "You shut up! I was hungry"

Jungkook looked at Jin with an offended look while Jimin sighed as he was nearly saved. He could hear Yoongi chuckled lightly beside him which made him even more (sexually) frustrated.



You know what's gonna happen next.

......Or do you?

Why don't you read the next chapter to find out?

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