Wise men say, only fools rush in.

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Jimin felt a weight on his chest when he woke up the next day. He scrunched his eyebrows looking down and saw a arm sprawled across his chest. He looked to his side and Yoongi sleeping peacefully. Then he remembered about last night. (A/n: Not what you are thinking)

His anxiety attack left him tired and scared. Yoongi put him to bed and promised to be there by his side for as long as he was scared. Both of them ended up falling asleep together. Jimin did wake up in the middle of the night, fear instantly gobbling him but much to see his surprise Yoongi was there to make him feel safe; right beside him just as he promised.

He gently removed Yoongi's hand from over his chest and went to the bathroom. He didn't want to wake Yoongi up because he must have stayed up till late, making sure to coax him to back to sleep every time he was on the verge of waking up from his nightmares.

Jimin washed his face and saw a new toothbrush. He quickly brushed his teeth and walked out to see that Yoongi had already woken up, he went to bed and sat in front of Yoongi. Jimin observed the sleepy of Yoongi. Eyes half closed and bit swollen form the sleep, his cheeks slightly red from sleeping on his side. If you look close enough, you could see the drool marks around his lips. His head was a complete mess, sticking out in never possible direction.

Yeah, he didn't exactly look like prince charming in the morning; in all honesty, he was a little far from looking prince charming.

He looked like how a normal human being would look like in the morning.

He had his share of faults and flaws.

He wasn't perfect.

And that's what made him so great.

And for Jimin, Yoongi with all his flaws and faults was...

Jimin gasped his brightening with cheer, "Hyung!"

"What?" Yoongi asked in his gravelly, trying to sound just as equally excited as Jimin.

Jimin poked Yoongi's nose, "You are my favorite hyung"

Jimin watched as Yoongi tried to fight back his smile, but failed, "I am your only hyung, Jimin"

Jimin's shoulders slumped as he looked at Yoongi with a bored face, "You are no longer my favorite hyung... Namjoon hyung is my favorite hyung from now on"

Jimin tired to get off the bed, but he felt himself falling back as Yoongi gripped his hand and pulled him back, "Hey, I'm sorry. Okay? I forgot that Namjoon and Jin hyung are your hyung's too"

Jimin didn't say anything only huffed.

He felt Yoongi nuzzle his head into the crook of Jimin's neck "I'm sorry Chim. I forgot that you have two more hyung now because I don't want to share my favorite dosaengae with anybody else"

"I will forgive you...after five minutes" Jimin said, and tried to wiggle out of Yoongi's grip

"Nope, I'm not letting you go until I know that you have forgiven me" Yoongi muttered, tightening his grip around Jimin.

Jimin was actually unable to get out of his grip for exactly five minutes.

Yoongi made him stay like that for exactly five minutes

However, after the five minutes was over Yoongi declared that he was tired again and that he had go back to sleep. While Jimin was struggling to get Yoongi out of his bed, Namjoon walked into the room.

Jimin found a rather amused look than a surprised look on Namjoon's face when he saw Yoongi sleeping in Jimin's room. Jimin took the opportunity and let Yoongi's body drop back onto the bed.

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