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Jimin sat up when he heard someone knock at his door.

"Come in" He muttered

The door opened and Taehyung walked in. Jimin was surprised to see him, but he didn't let it show.

"Uh...I'm sorry" Taehyung said


'For being a jerk to you and accusing you for things you didn't do" Taehyung said
"May I sit beside you"

Jimin simply moved aside to let Taehyung sit beside him, "It's alright. It was clear that you didn't want to be a jerk to me. But something is happening or has happened to you which made you really upset and because of that you behaved like that to me"

Taehyung looked at him shocked but soon the shocked expression gave way to a smile, "Wow... I don't know what to say"

"It's okay. It's okay that sometime you can't express yourself through words. You don't always need to. If the person is worth trying to express yourself to, then for that person you eyes will be enough" Jimin said

Taehyung looked at him in awe. Like literally, his mouth was open, jaw hanging loose, his eyes filled with admiration. Jimin chuckled at that.

"How old are you again?" Taehyung asked in squeaky voice

That Jimin laughed out loud, "25"

This time Taehyung shrieked even louder, "You're the same age as me" but then his voice changed to a serious one, "But you are more mature than me" He said, well more to himself than to Jimin.

Jimin suddenly stopped laughing and turned around to the nightstand beside the bed. He noticed a green blinking light and a soft beeping sound. Jimin rolled eyes at it.

Of course there is also an all compound communication system.

Jimin leaned forward and pressed the button.

"Guys, come to the living room"

"I wonder why they are calling us" Taehyung muttered

The '95 liners walked out of Jimin's room and towards the living room where all were present already.

"How did you get the message, Jimin?" Jin asked

"The commu- Of course" Jimin sighed, rolling his eyes and slumped down on the sofa. Namjoon chuckled at Jimin reactions which made Jimin glare at him.

"Next time genius, cut off the indicator system as well" Jimin muttered

"I didn't... intentionally" Namjoon answered smirking at the grouchy boy.

"Anyways, we got a message" Yoongi declared

"He gave a message?" Taehyung asked, almost jumping upon their leader.

"Apparently he is fine" Jin said and passed a tab towards Taehyung.

Jimin peeked at the tablet over Taehyung's shoulder. It should a picture of 'I'm Fine' written on a bus stand with black spray. Jimin scoffed seeing that and Namjoon laughed lightly to his reaction.

"That doesn't mean he is fine" Jimin remarked, leaning back
"Turn the picture upside down"

Taehyung did as Jimin told and was surprised to see the results.

"It reads Save me wh-" Jimin started

"We need to something. He needs our help!" Taehyung exclaimed

Jimin sighed, "Which is also not the true messaged" he finished

"Writings as this are called double words ambigram... there is nothing top-secret about this" Jimin air quoted the word top-secret "It's too risky to encode messages in such a way. Someone can easily find out message and that to by mistakenly seeing it from the wrong direction. But if your guy still sent the message in such pattern there is more it. You know how we say 'I'm Fine' when in reality we are not fine. When we need someone to 'Save us'... well this message is a take on that...literally" Jimin took the tablet and turned the picture to its original position, "This message means that the conditions in which he is now are okay and that he is 'fine' but if things turns upside down" Jimin turned picture upside down "he would need help. This is basically a warning message. He is also trying to say not to try and find him as for now"

(A/n: I too, came up with this theory as I writing this. I paid no extra thoughts to it. And wow... this is kind of amazing. I am kind of amazing. Wow. What has happened to me today? I'm actually on fire today. What do you think?)

"But how do we know where to find him, in case he needs help" Jin asked

"There is this one bus which has only two stoppages- one in Seoul and one in Daegu. And this is the Seoul stoppage for that bus. So, if he needs help we can find him Daegu" Jimin explained. Jimin saw from his peripheral vision that Namjoon was smirking at him but he had proud look on his face.

"How do you know so much about codes and encrypted messages?" Yoongi asked


"I...uh... My dad got me interested in solving riddles and all that" Jimin said, chuckling embarrassingly

"Hmm... anyways... we need to be careful because gang Blood Moon and Ice pack have hired mercenaries to try and find Jimin. Also those scumbags have put up reward of a million won to whosoever finds Jimin" Yoongi said through his gritted teeth.

Jimin figuratively shrunk in fear hearing that. His eyes widen as his body started to tremble slightly from the fear. He shot up and sprinted to his room.

Once he was inside he completely lost it. It's like a dam broke and all his feeling gushed out. Tears started to fall endlessly. The more he tried to wipe them off, the more they fell. His chest tightened, aching almost. His lungs desperately tried to respire even though there was no shortage of oxygen.

He tried to walk towards the bed with his cowering body but failed midway. He slumped down harshly on his knees, but he didn't acknowledge the pain. His eyes were wide open; they darted everywhere but focused nowhere.

He let out a short cry when he felt a hand on his back. His vision wasn't focused. He couldn't see who it was, it all but a blurry figurine. He was barely able to acknowledge that whosoever the person was had wrapped their arm across his shivering body. Even though the person was whispering his ears, to Jimin those sounds seemed like a distant voice.

He was scared.

More scared than he was before.

He had no idea who the person was.

He should run away but a strong urge in him forced him to fixed at that place.

Listen to my voice

Focus on it

These two distant sounds caught Jimin's attention. And soon, the faint whispers became loud and clear.

Everything is okay...

It's just me

I'm not letting anybody harm you, ever

Please try and focus on my voice

I'm right here for you

His vision started to clear up a little

Hear my heartbeat

He could breathe

Even if you can't see me, I'm always there for you

He could sense the warmth of the body pressed to his

You're feeling lost aren't you? You're scared? That's okay, I'm right here and you can hold my hand as long as you want

Jimin wasn't trembling anymore

Right here beside you. Now and always

"Yoongi hyung" Jimin whispered

"Right here" Yoongi whispered back

"I'm scared, hyung" Jimin said, snuggling closer to Yoongi, nuzzling his face into the elder's chest. Jimin didn't hear a reply instead he felt Yoongi's hand envelopes his own.

"You're there me, right hyung?"


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