Chapter Thirty-Four ♡

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Your POV

Laf and I had decided to continue the French-speaking, promptly "annoying" our two boyfriends just feet away.

I was honestly almost starting to forget Alex wasn't there, and I wondered if the other boys were too. It had become such a norm at that point that we were starting to become easily able to jump into things again without him.

But still, I couldn't help but wonder what was really going on. Sure, Washington probably did call him in for a last-minute meeting of sorts, but again, it was Alex's day off. And wouldn't he have called John in too?

Whatever the reasoning, it had to be it. I couldn't think of much else he could be running off to do. It's not like he would do anything bad... right? He wouldn't. That wasn't like Alex.

"Mon fleur?" I was drawn out of my thoughts by Laf, whose expression held a mix of confusion and worry. "Est-ce que ça va?" (Are you okay?)

"Oui," I nodded after a moment, "je suis désolé. Je faisait juste penser." (Yes, I'm sorry. I was just thinking.)

"Even when she spaces out, you two go right back into French?" Herc asked, amused look betraying the act of him folding his arms.

"We're special like that," I responded, looking over to him and John. "Why don't you two learn French? It's Laf's native language, plus Alex and I can both speak it."

"It sounds complicated," Herc answered, chuckling. "I'd prob'ly just mix sh*t up."

"I already know another language, so.." John shrugged.

"Didn't stop me from learning," I countered, leaning back against Laf slightly.

"You're just smart like that, (N/N)," John continued. "I still don't know how you managed to learn both at the same time and not seriously f*ck anything up."

"Skills, baby," I smiled, winking.

John sent me an amused look, chuckling to himself.

The room went silent, save for whatever TV show was playing on the screen.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

In the back of my mind, there was that beeping noise again. What?

Beep. Beep.

It'd been a bit since I'd heard it, and I still didn't know why I was. Maybe I needed to go to the doctors again; the accident must've seriously done some sh*t to my brain.


"(N/N), can you hear me..?"

"Salut? Terre à (Y/N)." (Hello? Earth to Y/N.)

I didn't have time to think about what just happened before Laf once again caught my attention.

"You sure you're okay, ange?" he asked. "This is the second time you've.. spaced out?"

"Thought I heard something outside," I answered after a moment. Well, it wasn't a whole lie. I heard something, but God knows where it came from.

"You either got good hearin' or you're crazy, 'cause I didn't hear anything," John responded.

"Both of those. I thought you knew that by now?" I teased.

"I definitely knew the second one," Herc added.

We all laughed, but John looked at me afterward, expression fading slightly. "Chickadee, no nos mentirías, ¿verdad?" (Chickadee, you wouldn't lie to us, would you?)

"Ustedes tres se preocupan demasiado. Estoy bien, lo prometo." (You three worry too much. I'm fine, I promise.)

Herc groaned. "Now the Spanish?"

"I prefer le français," Laf joked. "It's not 'ard to understand, unlike that."

"You're just jealous 'cause Spanish is better," John retorted playfully.

Laf mocked offense. "Espagnol? Better than français? Excuse-toi!"


Shortly after the bickering match had ended - in which nobody won - I decided to make my way to my own apartment. John decided he'd come with me, seeing as he had a long day at work tomorrow and needed to get ready early.

As we were about to go to the door though, it opened, Alex entering the room. "Hey!" He looked at John and I with our bags. "Where're you guys going?"

"We were about to head out, actually," I answered. "John has a long day tomorrow and I just wanna get to bed."

"'ow was work?" Laf asked, coming up behind us. "Washington never calls you on a day off."

"Yeah, I know. He wanted to have a discussion with Jeffersh*t and me, though, unfortunately." Alex rolled his eyes.

"Sounds fun," I responded teasingly.

"Oh, it was very fun," Alex responded, huffing. "I'll prob'ly stay here a bit though, so I s'ppose I'll see you two tomorrow. At least you, (N/N)."

"Yeah, you will." I gave him a quick kiss. "Make it out of there by dinner tomorrow, okay?"

"I'll try," Alex chuckled. "I'll try and get John out of there with me too."

"Please do," John sighed. "I have the same shift as Lee."

John and I said our final goodbyes for the night, exiting the apartment.

While walking past Alex though, I could've sworn I saw something. His shirt collar was mostly blocking it though, so I thought maybe I was seeing things. I was hearing things after all.

Maybe I'd ask about it tomorrow though, just to be sure.

i feel like this is b a d omg. i know the next plot point i'm tryna get to but i'm also tryna add filler so it's less jumpy and there's more content. bear with me :')

y'all can probably guess what's going on, so i really don't have to drag it out, and i won't for much longer lol. the real drama is coming up reaaaally soon, don't worry. probably won't top earlier, but it's gonna be good l m a o

anyway, i hope y'all liked this sh*t show of a chapter, and i'll cya in the next one! they'll get better in quality, i promise-

~ Galaxy

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