New Orleans Part 3

Start from the beginning

Meela smirks at her cohort, nodding before she leaves to change. A new sway in her step.
Caroline and Elena sit inside of the grill, eating burgers and fries. Unaware of eyes watching them as they sat talking. Matt watched them from afar, waiting for them to hear anything about Bonnie.

"Damon's been acting so weird" Elena tells Caroline, who fights the urge to roll her eyes. Lately all Elena has been able to think about is Damon or Stefan, even asking about Elijah at one point. Caroline herself was much more worried about their small witch friend who hadn't checked in all day.

"Why do you say that" she asks as she throws a fry in her mouth. Though if she were being honest she was completely uninterested. Her tone probably said so but Elena just carried on with her drama.

"Well I thought it was about me, I had to tell him that no matter what I'd always love Stefan. That was why he was so angry the night with Bonnie" she says and Caroline nods slowly not really paying attention. "But it's like for the past day and a half he's been completely on edge. Not angry at me just, I don't know, agitated"

That did get Caroline's attention. Past day and a half, so around the time Bonnie hopped on a plane and left with the Originals? Caroline didn't think it would be a good idea to bring that up to Elena. No matter how much she denied it she wanted Damon as well as Stefan. It was more than obvious to everyone and she wouldn't take him worrying about Bonnie very well.

"Caroline" Elena says waving her hands on the vampires face. She shakes herself out of her thoughts as she looks at the doppelgänger.

"Sorry what were you saying?" The blonde asks and Elena knits her eyebrows together.

"You okay?" She asks, her friend had been zoning in and out all day.

"Yea" Caroline says shrugging. "Just worried about Bonnie"

Elena nods at her thoughtfully. She hasn't given the witch much thought today, too preoccupied with trying to get Stefan to feel again and Damon to talk to her. Feeling guilty she sighs.

"Have you heard from her" she asks the vampire. Caroline shakes her head, pulling out her phone to check again.

"Not at all she text me yesterday to let me know she was settled in but I haven't heard from her at all today and it's getting late" she explains to the doppelgänger, worry coloring her voice. Elena makes a thoughtful face.

"Maybe she found something, you know how she gets when she's studying up on her witch side" Elena says trying to placate Caroline. Caroline shakes her head at her though.

"But this isn't just Bonnie learning about her witch heritage" Caroline says "she was attacked, someone is after her. We're not there with her" she says and Elena nods.

"She left with Elijah, Rebekah and Klaus of all people" Caroline stresses before looking down dejected. "Her new best friends" she says grumpily. As she stares at her phone Matt comes up to them.

"You guys hear from Bonnie yet?" He asks. Rebekah hasn't texted him at all today even after he asked how she and Bonnie were doing. He was getting worried.

"Nothing yet" Elena says looking at Caroline sadly. The worry in her friends making her feel worry herself. "But this is Bonnie, she's strong and more than capable" Caroline looks up at her trying to hide her annoyance.

"But she's not invincible Elena" she tells her and Elena looks down ashamed. "Bonnie isn't like us. She isn't immortal and she doesn't have Salvatore brothers watching her every move, hell until the other day we were barely checking up on her" she says feeling more and more worried as she spoke. Elena sighs and nods in agreement.

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