Chapter Eight - Better Now

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Ail's POV

Ryder pulls back and holds my face in his rough hands.

''I've wanted to do that for so long,'' he says with a laugh. The handsome cowboy that I had always dreamed of kissing me just did. I mean I didn't think it would be Ryder in particular, but it was something just like him.  The way his lips brushed against mine and the sparks that are still ecstatic between us; it is like I walked into my very own fairy tale. I look down at my watch and realise that warm-ups start in twelve minutes. 

''Shit, Ryder I have to get Bird saddled up. I'm sorry.'' I rush over to my tack box and grab the pink saddle pad out. ''Fuck, I still need to get changed,'' I mutter under my breath. 

''Ail, go get changed, I'll tack Bird up. All the pink tack right?'' His voice is soft and calming.

''Yes, and when you're finished with Bird can you go into the stall here on the right,'' I point it out to him, ''and tack up Maple with the black saddle pad and white boots. Use the light brown Brazilian saddle on Maple and the Tammy Fischer on Bird. Also, don't worry about the bridle's I'll do that.''

''Ail, don't worry I'll be fine. Now go.'' I smile at him and run off out to the car park. I pull the pink rodeo shirt on that I wore in Fort Worth and tie my hair back into a braid and take a deep breath in as I place my white rodeo hat on my head. But there are no nerves tonight, it is as if that kiss with Ryder has somewhat calmed me down. Before I know it I bolt back over to the stalls and find Ryder finishing with Maple; clipping the black alligator and pink fringe breastplate up the saddle. 

''Ail, I'm done with Bird, I'll just finish up with Maple and I'll be down at the arena to watch your run.'' He smiles at me, as he clips the breastplate up.

''Thank you,'' I walk over to him and peck him on the mouth before I go into Bird and lead her out to the warm-up pen. 

I trot Bird around in circles before I lope her around the ring a few times; warming up her muscles and getting her ready for tonights run. I haven't ridden two horses at a rodeo in a long time, I just hope everything goes well tonight. 

The girls start to take their horses into the back of the ally way, I follow not far behind. Bird and I are to run first, then I have to rush over to the stables and get Maple, and be ready to run fifteenth. 

A guy opens the ally way gate and I walk Bird inside, she starts to bounce on her feet almost instantly. I squeeze her sides and she jumps out into a gallop, we turn to the right barrel and spin around it, quickly galloping to the second one, then up to the third. We run home, I slap Bird with the quirk and kick my legs.

''Come on Bird!'' I shout, encouraging her. She gallops her heart out, I pull her up in the ally way and pat her neck, ''good job girl, good job.'' 

The gate is opened and I walk Bird out and dismount her. 

''Ail!'' Ryder shouts as he runs towards me. He locks his arms around my waist and lifts me up in the air, I hug his neck while I keep hold of Bird's reins. 

''You did real good,'' he puts me down and I can't help it but I stand on my tippy toes and kiss him. He takes my face in his hands and I can feel him smile thought the kiss. I let go of him and stand on my own two feet. Ryder takes my hand in his as we walk back to the stables and it seems to fit perfectly in mine. 

Once I untack Bird and give her water, I make my way into Maple's stall where Ryder is finishing the braids in her mane, before my last run. I cinch up the girth and check everything over before Ryder pecks me on the cheek and I lead Maple out to the warm-up arena. Maple's legs move under me with such elegance, she is lighter on her feet than Bird and more surefooted. I honestly don't know why I stopped running her. 

Maple side steps as we walk into the ally way, she's hot on her feet and knows what she wants. I kick Maple's sides and she jumps into a gallop, we turn the left barrel first then run to the second barrel with such speed we slip around it and gallop up to the last barrel. Maple runs as fast as she possibly can on the run home and gives it her all. Fist run back and she does it like a Queen. 

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