Chapter Five - Uncovered

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Ryder's POV

Just two days ago I got selected to join the American PBR team, all the times as a kid I saw those men ride and wanted to be just like them. Now here I am, with the big league. I sit on the top rail of the arena at my parent's ranch in Waco. My younger brother canters his grey gelding Whisp around the sand arena. He was so glad to see me home and wanted to show me what he's been working with. Training the grey gelding was something he started a year ago and now he's got him going pretty good. 

''Sam, take him over to the fence and show me that roll back you were telling me about!'' I shout at him, a smile fills his face as he canters Whisp over towards the fence and shows me the rollback. A sense of proudness floods me; I taught him to do that.

''Ryder, go saddle up Titan and we'll take them up the mountain for a ride,''

''You're on buddy,'' I jump off the rail and rush over to the stables, feeling like I'm that fifteen-year-old boy again. Titan sticks his chestnut head over the stall door, I clip a lead rope to his halter and lead him out to tack him up. I take the old ranch saddle and place it on his back and attach the breast collar, bridle him and lead him out to the arena where I meet Sam. 

''Ready?'' He asks me, I throw my leg over Titian and adjust myself in the saddle. I take the reins and Sam squeezes Whisps sides and he jumps straight into a gallop. I take my reins and kick Titan, he starts off slow and then bolts up the mountain after Sam. How is a seventeen-year-old beating me? Titan follows close behind Whisp as we head into the trees. We jump over a few fallen logs as we come close to the top of the mountain. Once we get to the top we start on down the other side to the river bank. 

Same dismounts Whisp when we reach the river and takes a seat on a rock, Whisp nips at the grass while Sam holds the reins. I take a seat next to him and stare out at the river. 

''Met any girls lately Sam, surely you have,'' I tease, he looks at me all coy 

''Yeah, have actually, her name's Peyton. God, Ryder you should meet her, she's a nice girl. Mamma and Pa love her.'' He smiles when he says this, his whole face lighting up. 

''True. Why didn't you tell me about her on the phone?'' I ask him

''I wanted to tell you in person. I really like her Ryder, I know I don't have the experience with women like you-''

''Sam, I don't go around getting with all the girls, if you call that experience'' I cut him off, I take my cap off and scratch the back of my head. 

''People just say that you know that because you rodeo a lot. They just expect that you do that.'' 

''That's fucked, Sam. Why would you even believe that?'' I half shout at him.

''I don't know, because mamma and pa kind of believe it as well.'' 

''What the fuck Sam!'' I yell and stand up, Titan throws his head in the air.

''Ryder, I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you angry or anything,'' his tone soft and calm.

''Well, how do you think I feel when my little brother who is meant to look up to me thinks I'm sleeping around with all these girls?'' I say a little lower than before.

''Fair enough,'' I sit back down next to Sam, ''is there a girl though Ryder?''

''Yeah, but I don't think she knows I like her,'' I tell him, he looks somewhat confused.

''Who is she?''I lower my head and raise it again.

''Umm... Ail Bennett-''

''The barrel racer?'' Sam cuts me off.

''Yeah, the barrel racer.''


''A letter came in the mail today for you,'' my mamma sits at the kitchen table nursing her coffee cup. Pa's out on the porch with a beer taking to Sam, and I'm in here trying to look at ma without getting pissed about what Sam said this morning. I take the letter off the bench and grab a beer from the fridge. 

The wind has come in heavy and I sit on a step over at the stables, sipping a beer. I rip open the letter and begin to read. 

Dear Ryder, 

20th of April 2020

I got your letter in the mail today, it made me laugh. Your real sweet you know that? Anyway, my father brought me a wild mustang stallion, I'm going to train him. The end goal is to run barrels on him, that would be brilliant; he has the build for it, beautiful, strong bay. I don't know what to call him though, would you help me with that? By the way, really hope you get that deal with the PBR, God that would be so amazing for you. I'll see or hear from you soon

From Ail

I set the letter down next to me and take a swig at the beer, she like my letter, lord Christ, I must have a little charm then

''What are you doing out here all alone?'' I turn around and Sam is standing above me with a can of coke in his hands. 

''Ahh, nothing, just getting some air,'' I lie. Sam eyes off the letter.

''What's that?'' He asks

''Oh, this, just a check'' I lie again, waving the letter around

''Right, I'm going to feed the horses. Come help will you.''  

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