Chapter Seven - Odessa Lights

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Ryder's POV

Ail didn't write back to me, I guess it's because we're going to see each other tonight. I sit at the back of the chutes surrounded by riders; chatting and getting ready. After tonight I'm out there with the big league, no more rodeoing around the place. I guess I'm going to miss Ail though; watching her make runs, talking to her. My rides up next, my nerves are everywhere. I shake my hands before I lower myself down into the chute.  I place my hand in the rope and tie it down. 

''Ryder!'' I look up from the rope and standing in the crowd is Ail, she waves at me and her smile is half the size of the moon. I smile up at her and look back down at the rope. 

''Let's go, boys!'' They open the chute and the bull bucks out. I hold on as tight as I can, I only need to make the eight. The bull bucks violently but I manage to keep my balance. The crowd is cheering and clapping, I focus; just stay focused. And just like that, it's over and the eight-second buzzer goes off. I free my hand from the rope and jump off the bull, landing on my knees in the dirt. I wave my hand at Ail and she waves back, the girls that are standing around her start to look at her funny; typical buckle bunnies. 

The bronc rides are before the barrel race, so I have time to go find Ail. I find her standing in Bird's stall brushing over the mares golden coat. 

''Ail, hey,'' I say leaning on the stall door, she looks up from Bird and smiles shyly at me.

''How are you doing Ryder?'' She asks, her hands resting on the mares wither.

''Yeah good, do you need a hand in there?'' I ask her.

''If you want, you can grab a mane and tail brush and do that,'' I take the brush from Ail's tack box and join her in the stall next to Bird. The mare sniffs my hand and lets me brush her forelock. I move to her mane that nearly hangs past her neck. 

''Can you braid?'' Ail asks me, I look at her slightly confused.

''Yeah, why's that?'' She looks at me mischievously.

''Do you want to braid Bird's mane?'' She asks in a low tone and a smile on her face.

''Yeah, I can do that for you,'' she smiles at me and I return the smile back. Ail sprays Cowboy Magic over Bird's coat making it shine even more. I've never seen a mare as beautiful as this before. 

''What are you doing tomorrow?'' Ail asks me, my heart starts to beat in my chest.

''Nothing, what do you have in mind?'' 

''Come see that stallion I was telling you about,'' her eyes light up and she has this spark about her. 

''I'd like that,'' I say as I twist Bird's long main into little braids along her neck. 

I catch Ail looking over at me and I think that I might just be completely falling for this girl and I can't stop myself.  The way she smiles, and get's shy when I'm around, her passion for horses, the way she is so grounded and the way she just doesn't care. 

''I'll be back, I'm just going to grab Bird's sports boots,'' Ail smiles and disappears out of the stall and leaves me in here with Bird.

''Your lucky Bird, get to spend all the time in the world with Ail. Real Lucky you are.'' The mare nuzzles me as if she can hear me and understand how I feel. She probably can.

''Do you think she likes me Bird; do I even have a shot?'' Just as I finish talking I hear the stall door open and turn around, Ail is standing there her eyes bright and I'm afraid she just heard that conversation with Bird.

''How much did you hear?'' I ask her.

''Everything,'' she walks towards me the fluro pink boots in her hands. 

''I...Umm...'' I don't know what to say.

''Ryder, I -''

''It's fine if you don't like me '' I blurt out, cutting her off, she smiles and I kind of get scared.

''But, I do like you,'' Ail fricken Bennett likes me. She moves closer to me and places the boots on the floor next to Bird. And right now I can't control myself. I walk over to Ail and slightly tilt her hat up and tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. She places her hand on my elbow as I lean in and kiss her. It's all happening so fast and never thought that the day would come where I kissed Ail Bennett. She places her hands around my neck and tangles her hands in my hair; she lifts my hat off and holds it behind my head. I place a hand on her cheek and one on her back. She embraces me and I embrace her. This isn't like one of those normal kisses that you have with your high school crush, this has passion, there is something here that is more than just two people. 

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