22. I can play that game too

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Eric leaves tomorrow again for God knows how long. I'm sick and tired of him leaving and missing out on everything, but I don't want to tell him because that will just create a conflict.

"Hey." he said hugging me from behind as I chopped up an apple for the kids.

"Hey, I thought you were still gone?" I asked. "Didn't David say it would take like all the way up to the afternoon?"

"He told me to leave so I can spend time with my family." He said grabbing a slice of the apple and throwing it in his mouth.

"Then what are you doing here?"

"What do you mean?" He looked confused by my question.

"Well you said he said to go spend time with your family, so why didn't you go to your parents house?" I said putting the cut up Apples in a plate and taking them over to the living room where the boys were watching a movie.

"Nicole," he chuckled. "by my family I mean like you and the boys."

"Oh!" Was all I said.

"Mommy!" Nate said smiling at me while trying to feed me some of his apple.

"Yummy." I smiled at him and Derek.

"Okay, tell me what's wrong." Eric said making me realize he was still there.

"What are you talking about?"

"You're obviously thinking about something and what ever that is, I know it's bothering you."

"It's nothing. I'm just tired, exhausted and that's all...."

"Does that have to do with me?" He asked looking at me. "Because if it is let me know and I'll stay here."

I looked him deep in the eyes. I wanted to tell him how having him leave all the time is affecting me but instead I ignored him and turned my attention to the boys.

"Nicole....." he said taking a seat next to me. "just tell me."

I tuned to look at him and leaned in to press my lips on his. "It's nothing okay?" I faked a smile.

He nodded his head at me and concentrated on the movie. I leaned back on the couch and soon I was drifted into a deep sleep.

Eric's POV

The movie was finally over and the boys turned around and looked at me.
Nathan started clapping as if saying he had enjoyed it and Derek got up and went over to Nicole.

"Mommy!" He pointed at her as he looked at me. I didn't even notice Nicole had fallen asleep. "Bye bye! Night night mommy."

"Poop!" Nate said standing up and putting both his hands on his butt.

"Poop? Nate dad doesn't know how to change a diaper." I said standing up. "Come on let's go change it..."

We made our way upstairs to the room and then I realized I left Derek downstairs with a sleeping Nicole. Can't decide if that was a bad or good idea.

I made Nate show me where everything was and then went on to changing his diaper. Thank god it actually wasn't poop, it was just pee.

"Eric?" I heard someone say my name.
"What the heck! You left Derek downstairs alone!" Nicole said walking into the room with a wet Derek.

"I didn't plan on taking to long up here." I said pulling Nathan's pants back up.

"Unbelievable! Do you know how many things could have happened?" She looked pissed.

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