20. How much more?

16 1 0

Right now we are patiently waiting for David to come and tell us everything went good during the birth to his new little girl. Yes it's already been four months since Eric left.

Out of those four months he's only called about a total of ten times and about three video chats. The bad part is that they don't even last long. They are usually like about twenty minutes.

"It all went good." David said bringing me back to reality.

"When can we see her?" my mom asked.

"Let her rest Lisa." my dad said patting my mom on the shoulder.

"Congratulations on being a dad again!" I said hugging him. He smiled at me.


Days After

Since I ended up moving back to my parents house, it was full of babies crying. David and Mya ended up calling the baby Victoria. Chloe looked excited about having someone new around her but she tried to hide it. It was cute because when she thought nobody was around she would go and watch her little sister sleep.

Nathan and Derek are nine months now. They are what keep me going. I miss Eric so much. We would have been married by now and probably even have our own house. I heard mostly nothing from him now. The number of calls and video calls a month keep getting less and less.

Monica has been around a lot lately. I always want to slap her stupid little smirk she does when she sees me. She's tried to bring up Eric when she's at the salon getting either her hair or nails done.

"So guess what?!?" Andrea said walking into the salon which was empty.

I gave her one good look. Her eyes had this special sparkle. "I'm guessing it's really good news?"

"Yes!!" she took me in for a quick hug. "So.. Me and Damian are going to be able to finally adopt!!!" She jumped with excitement.

"Oh my gosh! That's amazing!" I said with a big smile on my face. They deserve this so much.

"We plan on adopting a little girl she's around the same age as Derek and Nathan. Look I have pictures!" she said pulling them out of her purse.

The baby looked adorable. She had these beautiful eyes. "Whats her name? She's beautiful."

"Ariana." Andrea said happily.

"I'm so happy for you two!" I said taking her in for a quick hug.

"Thank you Nikki.... Your boys better be ready to look after my girl once they go into school." She laughed.

"Oh my gosh yes!" I laughed with her. "Speaking about my boys..... I miss them."

"They're at your parents?"

"No. I took them to a day care because they had to work. Mya said to leave them with her but she would be taking care of four kids on her own."


3 Months Later

Everyone was over at my parents celebrating Derek's and Nathan's first birthday. I can't believe it's already been a year since I had them and 8 months since we last saw Eric.

"Nathan! Dont!" I said earning a confused look from him. He has some cake in his hand that he was about to throw at Derek. Evil child.

"Mmm." He said slapping the cake down on his plate creating a big mess. Oh my gosh was that really necessary?

"No!" I said taking the plate away and cleaning his hand. "stop it."

"Nicole!" I heard Damian yell out for me.

"I can't right now! Nathan is being a pest." My mom gave me a damp napkin to clean Nathan with.

"Someone wants to see you though! Come quick."

"Who?" I asked annoyed. "Why do I have to go?" I said grabbing both my kids and walking over to the front door. Damian and David were just looking at me with a big smile. Okay? Not weird at all.....

"What can I do for---" I stopped mid sentence. I stood there surprised and shocked all at once.

"Surprise!!" Eric said.

Was this some kinda sick joke? Or am I dreaming? who ever decided to prank me with something like this must really not like me. Eric can't be the person standing in front of me.

"Okay this isn't real." I said looking down confused and shacking my head slowly.

"It is! Nicole it's me Eric."

"Oh my gosh." I looked up at him again. Tears filled my eyes. "I'm not dreaming....... It really is you!" I said crying.

"Happy birthday champs!" he said taking Nathan into his arms. Nate gave him a weird look, like if he was trying to remember him. "It's dad champ."

"No!" Nathan said pushing himself away from Eric.

I took him into my arms again and he hid his face on the side of my neck. "Just give him some time..." I said after seeing Eric's face of pain after being rejected by his own son.

Meanwhile Derek was still looking at Eric while he scratched his head. Eric held out his arms and just when Derek was about to give in and go with him, he pulled back quickly and did the same as Nathan.

"They don't even remember me...."

"No don't say that.... just give them some time." I said. "Are you here to stay?"

He rubbed his right eye and then took in a deep breath. "No....." my heart just broke again. "I'll be back before you know it though."

I turned around and walked into the house leaving him behind. I wasn't about to have this conversation with both the boys there so I took them to my mom.

"How much longer?" I asked him once I got outside. "one month? a year?"

"Not two long...."

"Well how much is not to long?"

"Can we talk about this later?" he was trying to avoid the conversation.

"No we can't! Because later is going to be to late." I was trying my best to stay calm. "Eric.... They need you. I need you. The boys don't even recognize you anymore."

"I need you guys too!" He ran a hand through his hair. "I'm doing this for you and for them."

"We just want you to come back.... to star a new chapter in our lives. I would hate to see you miss out on the kids growing up."

"I'm not going to miss out...."

"So when are you leaving again?" I asked.

"In two days....."

Two days. That's all the time he can stay for. "How much time are you going to be away for?" I couldn't look at him anymore.

"Maybe two more months or four...."

I let out a cry. I bit on my bottom lip as in a way to hold in the pain he was causing me. My arms were crossed in front of my chest.

"Please don't cry...." He said taking me in his arms. "I know this is hard and that this isn't what we planned but I'm doing this to have a better future for us."

"I just miss you so much...." I sobbed into his chest. I wish he would just decide to not go back and stay here.


Yay! The boys are a year old now! :)

Bye guys! I hope you all enjoyed it.

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