13. New Start

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"Nicole you have to eat!" My mom was in my room trying to get me to eat something. It's been a week since I found out Eric left.

"I'm not hungry...."

"Look at you!!"

"What?" I asked annoyed.

"You're acting like a teenager! Yes I understand that you're devastated that Eric left, but what about your children? You are hurting them more then what you're hurting yourself!" She said and then left the room.

She's right..... As much as I hate to say it, my mom is right. Me and Eric weren't even together anymore so why am doing this? I have to prove to them that I can do this on my own. I don't need Eric to help me.


"So this one has two rooms but we have another one that has three but.... It is a little more pricey."

"I'll take this one." I told the lady that was showing me some apartments. I figured I might as well get my own place because the babies are coming sooner then what it looks like. I still don't know the sex of the babies because since they're twins I want to be surprised. So I've been buying stuff that are yellow.

"Alright let's get some paper work done and then this place is yours." She said walking out. I made sure it was on the first floor because I'm not looking forward to going up the stairs and down the stairs with the babies.

Once we got all the paper work done she gave me the keys to the apartment. I decided to head back home and might as well start packing all my clothes and other things.

"Where are you going?" My mom asked as I was doing my suitcase.

"I'm moving out...."


"I got my own place. It's not that far from here, you can go visit when ever you would like."

"Is this because of what I told you this morning?" She sounded confused.

"No, no I'm doing this because I want to show you guys I can do this on my own."

"So it is because of what I told you."

"It's time for me to move out anyways." I said putting more stuff away.

"Not when you're about to have twins!"

"And why not?!? huh?" I was getting mad. "You think I can't handle two babies? I'll show you and everyone that believes I don't that I actually can! And that's including Eric!" I had tears in my eyes now. "now please get out so I can finish packing up my stuff...."

With that said, she left and didn't say anything back to me. I decided to text Aideen and ask him if he can come over and help me move all my junk to the apartment. I would need to buy another bed and many other things.


Two months later

My new home was finally looking good. I had the living room furnished and I had a couple of dishes already too. My new bed got here just a couple days after I had moved in and David and Mya wanted to buy me the babies cribs.

"The house is empty without you." David told me.

"Babies in here!" Chloe said rubbing my belly.

"Chloe leave aunt Nikki alone." Mya said.

"Mammy baby too!" Chloe said walking over to Mya and patting her stomach.

"Chloe!" Mya gave her a death look.

"Why are you looking at Chloe like that?" I said chuckling. They stayed quiet. "Wait.... No way!!"

"She isn't sure but we're hoping that we are expecting." David said.

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