19. Oh god.

42 1 0

Everyone was over right now. This was a last minute thing and everyone wanted to come to check if we were being for real.

Right now I was in my room watching Eric. He was going from one place to another tossing things all over the place.

"Did I already put socks in there?" he asked me. I nodded my head and he continued grabbing everything he needed. I was looking down at the floor fighting back the tears, when I noticed there was someone standing in front of me.

"Don't be sad, please. I'm going to come back." he said getting me to stand up as he took me in for a hug.

"I know it's just that..... I'm going to miss you and so are the kids." I said finally letting out the tears.

There was a knock on the door before Damian poked his head in the room. "Eric bro it's almost time to go."

"I'll be there in a while." Damian then left us alone again. "I'm going to call you everyday and I'm going to try to video chat with you guys every once in a while okay?" he said holding my face.

"I love you."

"Me too Nikki."

After that Eric grabbed both his luggage's and rolled them to the living room. Both my parents had Derek and Nathan which they gave to Eric as soon as they saw him.

"Daddy is going to come back okay? I'm going to miss you guys." he said a tear running down his face as he held his two boys. "I love you guys."

And then again, that same look Nathan had given me the day before, he was now giving it to Eric. Nathan started crying and started looking for me. I took him in my arms right away and I felt him relax a bit. Derek being Derek got jealous I had Nathan, that he wanted me to carry him too.

"It's time." Damian broke the silence that had taken over once Nathan stopped crying.

Eric hugged everyone and then stopped in front of me. I had both kids in my arms so he looked at me and leaned closer so I could give him a kiss. The kiss was sweet and gentle. "Goodbye." I whispered as he walked out the door.


Two weeks later

"Come on Nicole get it together! You're doing the same thing you did when he left five years ago!" David was over at my place because I hadn't gone to work all these two weeks. "Derek and Nathan need you. Stop acting childish. Get up!" he pulled the blanket off of me.

"I'm fine! I'm not being childish and I know the kids need me!"

"Well then get up and show me that you're fine! Because right now you look weak. Eric is going to come back before you know it. You guys are still connected so I don't see what's the problem here." David said pulling me out of bed.

That's the problem though.... Eric hasn't called since the first three days he left.

"Do this for your boys Nicole." David said pulling me in for a hug.

"It's just that he just got back and now he's gone again." I said crying.

"I know but you have to be strong okay?" I nodded my head. "Okay now go take a shower and I'll take care of Nate and Derek while you do that." he walked out of the room.


"So mom was thinking..... Maybe you should come back to the house. You know while Eric is gone and so she can help you out with the boys." David said as we drove over to the salon. I was sitting in the backseat with the twins.

"I don't know..."

"Just think about it. Plus you'll be helping me and Mya out too." he said.

"How?" I asked him.

"Well Chloe still doesn't want a baby to take her spotlight so maybe her having two babies around could really help."

I chuckled at the fact that Chloe still wasn't over it. "Do you know what Mya is having?"

"Yeah we found out last week."

"Why didn't anyone tell me?" I asked.

"You really want me to answer that?"

"No..... So what are you guys having?"

"It's a girl again..." he didn't sound to excited. "I was hoping it would be a boy but I mean now I'll just have two little girls to spoil." he chuckled.

"You'll get your boy soon." I said.

"That's if Mya wants to give it a shot again. She's so........ bitchy when she's pregnant."


"What it's the truth everyone knows it." David said pulling into the parking lot outside the salon.

"Don't tell me. Tell her, look here she comes." I said climing out of the car and taking my two monkeys out. "Hi Mya."

"Hey you feeling better now?" She asked me.

"I guess..... Is there a lot to do here?" I tried changing the subject.

"No not today it's been pretty slow." She said turning her attention to David. "You're in big trouble mister! I've been calling you all morning." was the last I heard before I walked in to the salon.

I put the kids down in their little play thing I had for them there and started to set up my things. I jumped at the sound of my phone ringing.

"Hello?" I answered. "Eric! Why haven't you called me? I've been worried sick!!....... That's not an excuse you could have sent me a text at least....... no I'm at work...... Okay just don't let it happen again......... They miss you too....... How have you been?"

The conversation when on for about 5 minutes before he had to go back to work. He sounded so happy.... He was living his dream. Hearing him so happy made me think that I'm just in the way of his dreams. Sometimes I feel like he would be better off without me .

"You're brother is unbelievable." Mya said tossing her hands up in the air as she walked in. "Are you okay?" she asked once I didn't say anything back to her.

"Yeah....." I forced a smile.

"No no something happened while I was outside with David."

I turned around to continue getting my things ready. "Eric called me."

"I don't get it. Why are you not happy?"

"I am.... it's just that I don't know..."

And then the last person I ever thought would walk into here came walking in like she owned the place.

"Hello, I'm here for my one a clock appointment." she said with a smirk on her face while she wiggles her fingers. "Its Nicole right?"

"Yes. Hi Monica." I said trying my hardest to stay calm. Nathan and Derek started making sounds almost sounding like if they were having a conversation.

"Oh would you look at that, the babies even come to work with their mom."

I totally ignored her and glanced over at Mya.

"Do you know how you want your nails to look like?" Mya asked her.

"Yes. Is it fine if you do them?" She pointed at me.

"Of course." I said turning around. "this way."


"You know what? I think I'm going to go with the color I had on before instead." Shes changed her nail color like five times already.

I tuned out her annoying voice as worked on her nails. Well at least I was trying to.


No!!! Monica is back 😩

What do you think she's here for?




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