18. Its okay...

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Here I am at work trying to get Nathan to take a nap. He has been crying for the longest time now and I was in the middle of cutting a ladies hair. "Nate please let mommy go back to work."

I had to come to the back of the salon to not bother any of the costumes with my crying baby.

"Nicole why don't you just go on home?" Mya said making her way over to me.

"What about you? I came here to help you. I still need to finish up that ladies hair."

"I'll be okay. It's not that busy today and don't worry I already finished that up for you." She chucked at that last part.

"I'm really sorry! I don't know why he's being such a baby today.." I said. Nathan was still crying.

"Go home. You look tired." she smiled at me.

I let out a sigh. "Okay, but I'll come help you out tomorrow."

"No that fine just take the week. Your kids need you more then I need you right now here." She said walking me to the door. I grabbed Derek which was sleeping unlike his brother and made my way to my car.

Once I got them both in, I sat in the drivers seat and just laid my head back. Not even 2 hours of work.


"Nicole I'm home! How did it go at work?" Eric called out as he walked in. "Where are you?"

"I'm in the kids room." I yelled out.

"How did it go?" He said walking into the room. Right now I was playing on the floor with the kids. Derek was on his back shaking one of his little toys and Nathan was on his belly making weird faces at me.

"Horrible. I came home not even 2 hours later!"

Eric sat next to me giving each of us a kiss on the forehead. "Why what happened?"

"Nathan was being a baby... Isn't that right?" I said looking at him. Nate took a second before he gave me a smile and looked over at Eric.

"So now Derek is the calm one and Nathan is the loud one today?" Derek turned his attention towards us once he heard his name.

"Yes sir." I said tickling Derek's little feet. He giggled and started kicking all over the Place.

Nathan started making some weird sounds and wrinkling his eyebrows at me. It looked as if he was telling me to stop doing that to Derek.

"Do you see him?" I asked Eric which wasn't by me anymore. Where did he go? I turned around to see if he was here in the room, he wasn't.

I got up and put both my kids in my arms and went to go look for Eric. I found him pacing back and forth in our room as he was on the phone.
"Yeah...." He said to who ever he was talking to.

I took a seat on the bed and watched him. Who ever he was on the phone with was making Eric get mad.

"I understand but--" they cut him off. "I'll see what I can do. Bye." once he ended the call he let out a big sigh.

"What's wrong?"

He took Derek from me and sat next to me on the bed. "They want me to fly to LA and stay over there for 2 months...."

"What for?" I asked trying to stay calm.

"They want me to be the director for something I've been dreaming of for a long time. They said they will pay me twice the amount I usually get paid."

I stayed quiet for a while. Why did this have to come up now that we are finally settled in? Even though we hadn't talked about it I was thinking we could get married in two months but now this came up. "So what are you going to do then?" I asked not looking at him.

Together (Sequel to Split in Half)Where stories live. Discover now