"Oh..." Was all I could mutter out, before finding my voice again. "Why's that?"

"I didn't know how I felt about it. It was like..." he started hesitating for a while, "Like... it was weird. I don't know. It kind of scared me for a while." I grabbed his hand letting him know it was alright and I wasn't holding anything against him.

"The guy I kissed, he was Akim. He was probably the first boy I thought I was attracted to, but I wasn't, I knew I liked guys... I just didn't know which ones." He continued rubbing circles in my hand.

"Luckily I came in and helped you figure it all out." I smiled leaning my head against his shoulder. We walked in a comfortable silence just enjoying each other's company, and the company of Baby.

"I really do love you, Jace." He blurted out with a small smile laced on his face. "I don't know what'd I'd do without you."

"And I really do love you, Ethan." I smiled back.

"You guys don't talk to us for a week and you have a dog, and Jace moved in with you Ethan?" Sam says accusingly.

"Kinda, but I'm only there for Break." I said scratching the back of my head.

"He basically lived there before that." Jayla huffed taking a bit of her pizza. We were all sitting in a small diner conversing about nothing in particular.

"I'm not complaining." He said pulling me impossibly closer to him.

"I'm never, and I repeat never, will get used to seeing Jace as the girl in the relationship." Charla said causing me to kick her under the table. "You fucking-" she started, rubbing her knee.

"Jace does it hurt when you-"

"Don't ask my boyfriend questions about sex." Ethan warned towards Kendrick giving him a glare.

"Fine. But Ethan I've seen your dick. And it isn't small." This time it was my turn to glare at the idiotic words coming from the boy's mouth.

"Keep thinking of his dick and I'll shove yours up you ass." I said subconsciously. It kinda just spewed from my mouth in a bit of a frenzy.

"I wasn't- Gross!" Ken put his arms up in defense as everyone around us laughed.

"Why are you asking questions like that anyways?" Charla asked turning towards him accusingly.

"I was curious..." His eyes immediately went to a shocked expression as he wasn't expected what came from his own mouth. He looked as if the words weren't even his.

"Curios, huh?" Sam said giggling.

"Look, I did something at a party and I can't really remember it. I just remember waking up naked next to a guy." He admitted giving everyone shocked faces.

"I've done that before." I smiled reminding myself of how Ethan and I started.

"So have I." He smiled at me placing a kiss on my forehead.

Charla faked gagged, before going back into conversation with Kendrick.

"We have to use the bathroom." Ethan said after a while of just listening to everyone talk.

"That's code for, We're about to leave you guys to make out for thirty minutes." Jayla said towards the confused faces as Ethan pulled me towards the restroom.

"Ethan what're-" I was cut off by his lips and him grinding his lower region against mines.

"How are you horny right now? Is that all you do." I said pulling away from the kiss to catch my breath.

"You were the one with your hand on my thigh." He said going back in to kiss me. I hadn't even realized my hand was there, I guess it was just a natural reaction.

"Touché." I said meeting him half way. The events after that were anything but PG, with the grinding, the moans, the words, the sticky ness in his pants, and the back of his throat. That was if anything... eventful.

"Movie night!" Sam exclaimed as if we hadn't already figure out what'd we were doing for the remainder of the night.

"How many times are you going to say that." I deadpanned coming back from the kitchen with popcorn.

"Until someone starts the damn movie." He urged trying once again to snatch the remote from Charla but failing. I chuckled at her look of warning before taking my spot by Ethan-well on Ethan.

"You're heavy." He said yet pulled me closer.

"It's all in the ass."

"Can you two shutup." Ken urged as the movie started. What a rude piece of shit. He was barely a new addition to our group and he's already too comfortable.

"Whatever." I said rolling my eyes now paying attention towards the animated movie. It was Ice Age: Collision Course. Chosen by Sam of course. Jayla has ditched us for her friends before we'd left the diner and it's was just the regulars.

"Don't move, but I'm horny again."
He whispered in my ear.

"I can tell." I said trying to pay attention towards the movie and not the fact that there he was clearly hard underneath me.

The movie went on for another five minutes before Ethan started to whine into my ear.

"Can we leave. It's not going away." He said planting a soft kiss on my neck.

"No. Hush. Watch the movie." He sighed, but listened and tried his hardest to pay attention towards the screen and not me sitting atop of him.

"Jace can you come with me to get something to drink?" Julia asked shyly. I don't think I'd ever get used to how timid she was, but it was always something I'd admired about her.


"No! He's... ask- I don't know. Anyone but him." Ethan blurred out cutting me off.


"Uhhh..." Ethan started not able to finish. Stupid boy.

"Ethan has a boner." I said out the blue. Her face went red showing she was definitely not expecting that answer.

"Wow, Jace Simens has, Ethan Belle on hard, just from sitting in his lap watching Ice Age. I could see it on headlines now." Sam joked.

"Shut up." Ethan said embarrassment lacing his voice causing me to chuckle.

"I'll go with you Jules. It wreaks of masculinity here." Charla said getting up holding a hand out for Julia. "Plus, I know my way around the Simens' house." She smiles leading the way. Julia just nodded in response following Charla out the room.

"This movie is boring anyways, we have to use the bathroom again." Ethan said making me cock my head towards him.

"No we don't. I'm not going with you on another trip." I told him.

"You're acting like I didn't suc-"

"Ok that's enough of that conversation, next topic. I don't need that image in my brain." Kendrick blurred out with a disgusted look on his face.

"It's not like you didn't get on your knees before." Sam wriggled his eyebrows hinting to what Kendrick had told us earlier.

"I was drunk! I don't even remember it." He defended himself, crossing his arms in a pout.

"People do things they want to do sober, when they're drunk." Sam smirked. He was already winning the argument yet he decided to continue egging it on. "I'd probably get drunk and wake up by Charla." He smiled.

"As if. You barely do anything, all you do is lay there." She said causing the room to erupt in laughter. Even Julia giggled at the joke.

"You're scary in bed, what else am I supposed to do!" He said back only digging his hole deeper.

"Ok, back to the movie." I said rolling my eyes at my ridiculous excuse for friends.


Well let's just say this chapter wasn't important in the least. It was cute and boring honestly, though it did just more insight on Jace's friends. So I guess that's a plus.

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