Forgotten .

31 2 2

Melanie | Mel .

I groaned and ran towards my best friend. She just got out the hospital, lookin' like she just got out the pen! "A'Janae! I yell throwing myself towards and grabbing her hand. I made sure the gun was aimed towards the ceiling just in case any accidents were to happened, which they were bound to. "Let go of the gun," I said calmly. "There's no need to get crazy. Who is this?" I asked pointing towards the girl A'Janae was trying to shoot. 

"I was gonna ask the same." Nae said looking right at Rashad. That's when I knew it was trouble. But things got worse as I noticed some shining. And I guess A'Janae caught it too. She gasped and the dropped the gun causing it fall the floor. A shot rang off and everyone dropped low. "Is everyone okay?" I asked with a slightly trembling voice. Everyone said yeah before scanning the room. The shot had went through the wall and into the kitchen. We all sighed a sigh of relief to know no one got hurt. Then we all stood up straight trying to get the story straight.

You could tell by the look on Rashad's face that his explaining just wasn't gonna cut it, and he knew it. "Mel listen," he started off. "Babe who is that girl?" The random chick asked grabbing onto Rashad's shoulder breathing heavy. But not as heavy as A'Janae. A'Janae was breathing a little too hard. I took a step away from her, actually kind of scared of whatever she had going on in her mind. I know how my friend can get, and I don't wanna be in the middle of that scene.

"Engaged..." I heard A'Janae mumble under her breath as her knees started wobble, getting weak. This broke her heart more than it has ever been broken before. I glared fiercfully at Rashad, making sure he saw me. "Y'all got engaged!" She said picking up her voice. "Baby I can explain." Rashad said reaching for Nae. "Baby?!" The girl reach. "Chante not now!" Rashad hollered back at her. "Are you kidding me?" She crossed her arms with attitude. 

Rashad tried to wrap his arms around A'Janae but she wasn't having it. She was so...helpless. I felt so bad to see my best friend hurt. And all I wanted to do was...beat somebody. I ran at Chante without second thought and started beating on her. I don't care if she was already hurt. Nothing compared to my best friend's pain right now. Cameron reached over and snatched me back. Chante glared at me like she was gonna do something but we were both to angry to even speak. Cameron held me until I calmed down. 

Rashad turned to Chante. "Chante you gotta go." A'Janae just kept crying as Chante screamed like a spoiled princess. "What happened to us? We were gonna get married!" 

Rashad was fuming now. "Well guess what!! It was an accident. The ring fell out my pocket! You were never supposed to see it, I was gonna break up with you weeks ago! But you were so wrapped up in the ring that you couldn't even notice I stopped messing with you a while ago! I don't...WANT YOU!" He yell harshly. 

Everyone in the room got quiet, even A'Janae. His rage brought everyone to dead silence. Chante let a few tears drop before returning the ring and showing herself the way out. When she was gone, Rashad just stared at A'Janae. "Babe please say something..." He finally said a bit desperately. At first she just looked at him like she was a foreign country, then she spoke. " do you feel about me? Honestly?" 

He immediately started from the beginning. "A'Janae, I love you to death. I never wanted to lose you. When that officer came and told me you were dead, I almost died. I lost my mind. I couldn't bring myself to mess around with countless women like Cameron did, no offense, but I was desperate for love. To find someone like you, and I never did. Then I started dating Chante, she was still nothing like you, not even close, but she was closest I had at the time. Then something crazy came over me and I bought a ring. I was gonna give it to her, but then some sense came to me and I decided against it. Then one day we were playing around like two little kids and the ring fell out of my pocket. I forgot to hid it or return it but it was too late. She wouldn't even let me talk. She just excepted it and... I don't want her. I want you. I know for sure I wanna marry you. I wanna have kids with you. I wanna spend the rest of my life with you for good. Just give me one more chance, A'Janae, please?" 

A'Janae just stared at him in amazement as he said all of that in under 2 minutes. I was pretty amazed too. I never know him as the one to have all of those feelings, or at least admit he had them. But he just did. I'm pretty sure A'Janae was feeling it.

He started kind of panicking when she didn't speak. So she came to his rescue. "Okay," she started. "I'll give you another chance." He smiled from ear to ear. The his face grew serious. 

He held her hands. "A'Janae, just one more thing..." A'Janae smiled. "What is that?" 

He got down on one knee. "Will you marry me?" A'Janae smiled so hard, I thought her face would be stuck like that forever. "Yes." She finally said, and Cameron and I cheered on as our two best friends kissed each other.

Yes, it was all pretty fast. When you're in the mix of it all, this is what happens. Rashad lifted her into his arms and started working towards the stairs. A'Janae laughed "What do you think you're doing?" Rashad kept walking "I'm getting started on these kids I wanted."

(A/N): Yeahhh, pretty crappy but I haven't updated in a while so I had to do something. But FYI, the finale for this book is coming up. It is time to call it a wrap... But thank you to all of you who have kept up with this book! I really appreciate it!

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