Angel of Mine .

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Rashad | Shad .

I stood leaning over the sink, not knowing what to do. I'm definitely still in shock but now things are definitely about to get out of hand. This is some R. Kelly Trapped In the Closet type s**t. Only thing is that some of the roles are backwards. A'Janae is home and I just received a text from Chanté saying she's on her way here. This is about to be a mess...

Cameron | Cam .

I bit Jessica's lip as we made out. She sat on my lap without breaking the kiss. I adjusted the pillow behind so I could sit up in bed and then I turned her over on her back, all without breaking the kiss.

But in the middle of all that the door swung open and I heard a soft voice say "Cameron?" I froze and just sat there dazed.

"Melanie?" My body got stuck where it was. I couldn't...I wouldn't believe that she was standing there. As I stared, I barely heard Jessica talking right in front of me. "Ugh, who is that hoe?" Melanie glared at her like she was about to kill her. "Uh-..." I mumbled with the knot in my throat, trying to figure out what the hell was going on. Mel looked at and her mood change. I definitely hurt her. But how was I supposed to know?

I didn't even see her tears form. They just silently fell as she turned around to leave. I immediately hopped up to chase her.

"Are you f***ing serious Cameron?!" Jessica yelled as I chased my real girlfriend.

"Bae wait!" I yelled trying to catch up with her. I grabbed her wrist and tried to pull her back to me. She didn't even turn around to look at me. She just kept pulling and facing forward, not wanting to show me her tears. I reached for her whole body and she just kept fighting me shedding tears of frustration. I was holding her back for than just explaining, but because I'm scared that if I let her go, I'm really not to gonna see her again.

"Just let go of me Cameron!" She fought. "When you calm down!" I yelled back. After trying to fight away from for a few more seconds, she finally just gave up and stood there. She still wasn't looking at me though. She was facing the opposite direction with her arms crossed and plenty of attitude. "Can you turn around please?" I said calmly. She let out a hard sigh and dropped her arms, finally turning to face me. Her eyes were red and puffy. The look on her face expressed deep hurt and in all honesty, it tore me apart on the inside. "Can I just leave? You seemed mighty busy and I guess I rudely interrupted. I apologize." She said all in sarcasm.

I held my hand up to tell her to stop. "Please don't do that. I swear I would never hurt you Mela-..." "Then what do you call that?! Love?!" She almost hollered. I shook my head. "No Melanie. But what did you expect? For as I know, and was informed by an officer, you and A'Janae were dead! She's not even my girlfriend!" She put her hand on her hip completely fed up with me already. "How many are there?" She asked coldly. I wasn't gonna fight were either. She had every right to be mad with me. I gave up on her. At least that's what she thinks. But in all honesty I'm completely still in love with her.

She looked me in the eyes waiting on me to lie. But I didn't. "A lot more..." Then I had this strange feeling I hadn't had since I was a kid. I knew what it was. But I tried to shake it. Ain't know what she's making me...

"Are you crying?" She asked interrupting my thoughts. I turned away from her and wiped my eyes. I haven't cried since I was 9. And now, there's this girl right in front of me who has me in tears. Tf? What you call that?

I went back to being serious. Ain't no time to break down. She grabbed me by my arm to face her. I kept my eyes closed just in case it was about to happen again. "Look at me." She said calm but seriously. I opened my eyes at looked at her like she said. She studied my face for a moment before speaking again. "Does Rashad know that A'Janae is alive?" I shrugged and said "He ain't say s**t to me about it." She pulled out her phone "Does he mess with other girls too?" "Uhhh..." was all I said. "Yes? No?" She asked looking up at me in confusion. I sighed "He has a girl. They almost got married but he went against it. He was just like me, in need of love, but his case was a lot worse." Mel looked at my with disbelief and shock. "We gotta get over there!" She yelled. Just then a pissed off Jessica walked downstairs and without a word, she stomped out the door. We followed right behind her after locking everything up. And as we sat in the car, Mel put the car in reverse before speaking.

"Oh and by the way, let dem b*tches know your real girl is back. And if they mess with my muhhhf*ckin' territory again, I'm f***in' beatin' dat a**."

Rashad | Shad .

After making up my mind, I raced downstairs and saw A'Janae sitting in on the couch sipping some juice. I walked over to Nae and grabbed her cup out her hand and set it on the table. "Rashad, baby, what are you doing?" She asked looking at me confused as I pulled her up to face me. "A'Janae I gotta tell you something. But you gotta listen to me like really, really listen to me. If you don't listen you will never understand so ju-" She yanked her hands down showing me she didn't have time for an intro explanation. She just want me to be straight forward with her. So, here goes nothing. "Rashad what you talkin' bout?"

"A'Janae I-"

Right as I was about to explain everything that happened with Chanté and I, I heard keys jingling in my front door. A'Janae jumped "Is someone breaking in?!" She screamed. 

You know who walked in announcing to us both, "Baby I'm home!"

"A'Janae I can explain." 

A'Janae's eyes grew confused, then glossy, then furious. All in 3 seconds. 

"Oh, you didn't tell me we had company coming over today." Chante stated nonchalanty eyeing down A'Janae as she made her way over to me. I froze up. It was like it was all a dream. I tried to myself to wake up, wake up, wake up, but I just couldn't help but know that it was all real. Chante kissed my cheek while keeping an eye on A'Janae. 

"So baby, who is she and what exactly is she doing here? I ain't order takeout." She said with a smirk checking A'Janae up and down. I immediately stepped to the side knowing what was to happen next.

A'Janae stepped right into Chante's face.

"I'll tell you what I'm doing here! I just got out the hospital and came back home to my boyfriend! So, while I'm still calm would you like to explain what yo fast a** is doing in my muhhhf*ckin house b*tch?" She said all of that calmly but still on the verge of attacking Chante. 

But Chante wasn't in the mood for calm chit chat. She pushed A'Janae and Nae only took two steps to catch her balance before swinging at Chante. A'Janae's fist dotted Chante in her left eye. Fist flew everywhere as the weave flew and Chante was the only one wearing weave. A'Janae's threw her hands like her life depended on it. I watched as Chante's nose bled heavily, the deep cut on her left cheek gushed, and blood poured from her mouth. I finally decided I should step in before A'Janae killed Chante.

A'Janae | Nae .

I want to kill this b*tch! And I will if it's the last thing I do. Rashad used some of his strength to push us apart but I had the b*tch by her weave and throwing my knee into her stank face as many times as I could. I want to knock some sense into her dumb a**. The doorbell rung over and over again but  Rashad obviously wasn't giving up, and neither was I, but she sat up anyway and backed up. I could tell by the looked on her face, I f*cked her up, but she had me f*cked up. I could feel my blood boil and my head pound. My fists were balled up so tight that my nails were digging deep into my skin and felt like they were gonna bleed. Then, my anger got the best of me. I ran off into the bedroom.

Melanie | Mel .

I turned onto their street so hard that the tires screeched. I don't know what's about to go down but I knew something was wrong just by looking at the house. Cameron unbuckled and hopped out the car before it could come to a complete stop. We both ran up to the door and pushed this young, impatient pizza man out the way. "Hey! What's going on in there?" He asked after us, not bothered that we just pushed him. "Just leave! Go! We don't need pizza anymore!" He looked at me startled and then ran off to his car. We knocked on the door plenty of times. I heard a woman screaming from the inside and I could only guess that is was Chante. Without thinking, Cameron kicked open the door and what we saw we could not believe.

There was a panicking Rashad, a tense, shaking, bleeding Chante, and in her face...

a gun held in the hands of a very pissed off A'Janae.

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