The Next Chapter of This Life .

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I sat just sat there, flipping and flipping; getting bored with everything in the catalog. She glanced at me before returning to her US magazine with Mariah Carey on the front. "No luck?" I shook my head. "Nope." She pouted "What are gonna do now?"

I just shrugged "There's no one where to go. All of these houses are just too expensive and my bank account ain't havin' that s***. I honestly think I have nowhere to go..." She put her hand on her hip. "Now you look here A'Janae, I've known you for a reaaaally long time. You've never given up so I don't do it now. I know you're modeling career hasn't kicked off yet but you'll get there. You'll get that money." I threw the catalog at the floor.

"Modeling? Ok, I know I got the job. But you gotta think. They want a woman with a body that looks like this." I pointed at myself. "Not one that's big and pregnant. I won't get paid enough for those houses in the next 9 months. I haven't even had my first day yet!" Mel sighed. "So when's your first day?" I frowned "Next week but..." "Do it. Don't tell them about the pregnancy. Just do it. And when the time comes that you start showing, explain then. But get that money first. At least enough to make a start off of." I sighed. "Mm..I guess." She clapped "That's what I'm talking about!"

I didn't get excited tho. "Mel, I still don't have a place to stay." "I would say crash at my place but the way my parents are set up...they probably wouldn't let you move in right now. Money's tight for a few more months." I shrugged "It's cool. This is my problem not yours or your family. I'm not gonna throw you guys into it." She gave a respectful nod. Then I hopped off the bar stool. "Meanwhile, I gotta stop by Rashad's."

We grabbed our stuff and headed for the door. As soon we got out, I locked up the house and we went separate ways.

*At Rashad's house 1 hour later*

We hugged and I was smiling ear to ear. I tried to stay calm but I couldn't! Rashad told me that I need to move in with him. Of course, I said yes. I'm moving my things starting tomorrow. Not that I wanna move away from my parents that I never see at home anymore anyways, but because I'm old enough now and it's time to get my s*** together. Plus, I leave for my first photo shoot in 2 days so I wanna make sure everything is right by the time I get back.

Also, to thank him, I invited him to go with me out of state for the photo shoot. Welp, time to start planning.

Melanie | Mel .

I sat on my parents couch while they talked in the kitchen. Probably about me or the whole money thing. As much as I loved my parents, there's only one thing that could solve all of this. I have to go. I have to move out and start making these life choices on my own. The time is way past due. I sighed to myself. I need to find a good job and get a move on it.

I turned the TV off and walked into the kitchen. As soon as I walked in, it was like being the new kid walking into the class. All conversations stopped and all eyes on me. I swallowed down the knot in my throat that made me want to just go sit back on my parent's couch, knowing dang well I can't do that. "I've..been thinking and...It's time for me to leave. To move out and be on my own."

My dad sat there soaking in my words as he went into deep thought, and my mom's head nod said she knew it was true but her eyes said she was about break down and lose her mind. This is the moment where I wished I had a younger brother or sister to comfort them with, but considering I was an only child, there was none of that. I felt bad for just choosing to up and leave my parents like this, but it's clear to see, without a job, I was just taking up space and probably doubling the expenses.

"As soon as I get a job, which hopefully will be really soon, I'll be gone. It's bound to help you guys save more." I looked between both of my parents. "Oh honey," my mom wrapped her arms tightly around me. "You had absolutely nothing to do with the money. At some point in my people's lives, this is one of the most common situation. It just so happens it's our turn. Now hate is a strong word, but I truly do hate to see you leave. But I know that you've matured and you're going to make me proud." I nodded my head, with tears now forming in my eyes.

Then my dad came and wrapped his arm around me. "Baby girl, you make me proud. You grew way too fast, but you're showing me you can handle it. Your mother and I can't bare to watch our only child leave, but knowing it's for the best, we will live. Now we're going to get out of this money situation. We'll handle it. I just want you to know, all while you're taking care of yourself, you still have us if you ever need anything." I wiped my eyes. "I know daddy. I'll still keep in touch." He smiled even though I could tell he was hurt. "You better." I smiled back. "Well, I better go get started."

I ran off upstairs to start looking for ways to get started.

*3 hours later*

A'Janae | Nae .

I shifted the bags on my arm and gripped my phone tighter before it fell. I looked to my left to see Mel doing the same. We had only been at the mall for about an hour and we already have about 5 bags, each. Saving money had never really been our talent.

"I'm going to fall on my face any second now." I stated. The bags were heavy and we couldn't balance them worth a darn. Mel raised her arm all the way up so that the bag would slide to a comfortable spot on her arm. "I'm saying! And I'm not even done shopping!" I nodded in agreement. "Right! And all this walking around is making me hungry." She pouted at me "When aren't you hungry?" I smacked my lips "Dude leave me alone. I got TWO people to feed." We both laughed, but it was true! I swear I'm never full.

We walked over to the food court. I ordered a giant pretzel and some lemonade and then Mel ordered the same. After waiting around, we got our food and went to our seats. We immediately started digging in. "Ok so it's official," Melanie started off. "I'm moving out." My eyes grew wide "Oh my gosh! When?"

"When I get a job. I don't even know where to start." I thought of things she could be. Then I got it! I opened my purses and dug through it as a confused Melanie watched. I pulled out the card. "Here." She stared at the card. "Are you sure?" she asked. "Ugh. Yes Mel! Go ahead. Call now!" She was hesitant but then decided she would. The card I gave her had the number I called for modeling.

I continued eating my pretzel and she waited for the phone to pick up on the other end. When it did, she smiled and signaled me that it was working. She talked on the phone for minutes with who I was guessing was someone like the person I was talking to. Then that's when her moment of opportunity came. "When's a good time to come up?" she restated the question aloud. I put up the number two and silently yelled to her '2 days!'. She started talking on the phone again. "Two days would be great....Ok...Great. Thanks." She hung up the phone. We started getting excited but we couldn't start screaming like little kids. "Ok," I said. "Now let's shop for real now and get our outfits on point." "Yaaaaaas!"

Rashad | Shad .

I sat at my kitchen table with the package in my hand. My heart began beating against my chest, making me think I could pass out any moment not. I wish I could just man up and remain calm but I don't think I can in this situation. This package holds whether or not I'm not father of that little boy. I opened it up and read the results...

Melanie | Mel .

I sat in the passenger seat of Nae's car. We were on our way home when I got a message from Cameron. "Tf ?" I said aloud on accident, sort of. "What happened?" Nae asked. "Cameron text me." She glanced at me in shock. "Bruh! What did he say?" I clicked on his name to read the message. "It says 'Mel this is important. We need to talk, but face to face would be better. Hmu asap'." We both shared the same shocked expression. Then, Nae's phone went off. "See who text me." she said. I picked up her phone. "It's front Rashad. He said he needs to talk to you. Dang these boys really wanna talk to today huh?" She looked serious though. "Ask about what." she said.

Almost as soon as I sent it. She got a reply back. "He said it's about the kid." The next part made my eyes go wide and my hand over my mouth. "What else?" She asked in worry.

"It's not his."

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