Home Sweet Home

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A'Janae | Nae .
I smiled as my legs stretched and my feet touched the ground letting me know that I was back home at last. As the people loaded our ride home up with all of our bags, we got into the SUV and at once, we all laid our heads back to rest. We were more than exhausted and wanted nothing more than our beds. I watched out of my window as the SUV pulled off while everyone was silently asleep and then finally, I closed my eyes.
*1 hour and 30 minutes later*
I opened my eyes and the driver woke us to tell us we were home. Mel and Cam would be staying at our place tonight. They didn't feel like going home and we didn't mind. I walked into my parent's empty home and kicked off my shoes and trailed upstairs. When I got to my room, I changed into my night clothes and laid down peacefully in my own bed. Moments before I completely fell asleep, I felt Rashad lay down next to me. We cuddled up and that was the end of that night. We were at home sweet home.
*In the Morning*
I searched through the refridgerator. "Dang it." I spoke out loud. "What?" Mel asked as she walked into the kitchen. "Forgot to refill the fridge before I left. We don't have anything for breakfast." I pouted. "It's cool," she stated. "We can make a run real quick." I nodded and got my keys as she went and told the guys we were leaving. As I waited for her to get in the car, I scrolled through my timeline on Twitter. Nothing much but people talking about same old s***. Then Mel came and hopped in. I locked my phone and put it in the cupholder.
On the way to the store, we sung to whatever came on the radio. It was like we knew every song. It didn't take long getting to the store since I took the backway. Once we got there, we both hopped out and went in looking pretty presentable for just waking up at 9 in the morning. I walked right over to the eggs and grabbed a carton and then went to go get the bacon. Melanie went and got the coffee and whatever else was needed for breakfast. When everything was grabbed, we made our way to the counter. I payed for the groceries and went back out to the car. Mel and I passed placed all the bags in the backseat.
I hopped in the driver seat and started the car. Mel turned the radio on and it immediately connected to my phone and played I Don't F**k With You by Big Sean. Backing out of the parking space and driving out of the parking lot, we sung along to the radio.
Halfway through the sung, I turned down the radio and asked Mel, "Should I take the quick way home?" She sat and thought for a second and then said "Yeah, why not." and with that, I turned the radio back up and sung along. We sung as loud as we could and even as we sung, we couldn't hear ourselves.
I took the turn for the back road and we quieted down as the sung went off. We waited for the commercial breaks to end. "Bruh, these ads doing the most right now." I said annoyed. "Right!" Mel replied in agreement. Then we heard the radio spokes person come back telling us we were getting back to our music. "Finally!" We both exclaimed. Next thing I knew, my song 2 On was on the radio. We immediately started freaking out. "OH MY GOSH A'JANAE THATS YOU. THATS YOUR SONG." "I KNOW. I KNOW." It was a moment of crazy excitement. We sung along to MY song. It was the first time I heard play anywhere besides the studio.
It had actually turned out that Mike Will Made It had some family business and would be out for what seemed like forever. That's when DJ Mustard stepped in and took up the opportunity. I kinda felt bad for replacing him but I really wanted to be heard. So after he helped with the track, we got it released, and boom, it was a hit.
After the song went off, Buy The World came on. We started singing "Hey hey now. Na na na." This was the best kind of ride home ever with my best friend. When we sung and had a good time. Then everything went upside down.
The sound of glass rung through my ears. I got a glance of Mel and all I could read on her face was pain. We looked at each other for a split second. Then our bodies jerked around with the car. Everything was a blur. I would rather be knocked out then see it all. My head hit the frame of the door but I was still conscious. I couldn't even look at Mel. The car was still flipping as blood was spreading along the dashboard. Bags flew everywhere. Then there were branches...leaves...dirt...more blood...and as the pressure I felt in my head began to swell.....there was nothing.
Rashad | Shad .
I pressed her name again, starting to worry. Cam sat next to me worrying too as he tried to call Melanie. We were losing our minds. The girls have been gone for an hour and 20 minutes now. We've had no luck this whole time. I pressed her name again, but this time the doorbell rang. Without pressing end, it rung in my hand on speaker as I rushed to door. I swung the door open hoping it was them, but it was a police officer. "Sir, do you have any relation to A'Janae Carter and Melanie Vasquez?" I started growing weak as my hands started to tremble. Cameron stood behind wide eyed and tense. My phone continued on speaker as it played A'Janae's voicemail. "Heyyy it's A'Janae! Sorry I couldn't make it to the phone right now. I'll back to you later! *muah*" and it ended with her kiss.
"I take that as a yes." The officer stated. "Melanie is my girlfriend!" Cameron shouted behind me. "And A'Janae is mine." I stated with my heart about to burst out of my chest. The officer grew tense it worried. "May I come in, please?" I stepped aside letting him in and we all went to sit on the couch.
"Your girlfriend, or your girlfriends... have been involved in a fatal car accident. And I don't like to do this....but I must inform you both that your girlfriends have...passed."
I angrily wiped the tears that slipped from my eyes. My fist stayed balled. Cameron completely got up and left the room, hitting everything in his way. The police officer had got up to follow him but I stopped him without saying a word and he understood.
"I'm very sorry for your loss sir." And with that, he showed his way out. As soon as I heard the door click, I pressed the home button on my phone and looked at my lock screen. It was A'Janae sitting across from me smiling. It was our first date since we had started going out.
As the flashback ended, I broke apart. I had officially lost it.

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