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{Jay's POV}

The cave was dimly lit and smelled more musky than usual. Filled to the brim with the sound of complaints. I was texting my brother on my phone, attempting to talk to him about going to New Orleans. He wants to finish the school year first. "Ok so it's just yall?" I asked, looking between the two of them and sliding my phone into my purse. "Every hybrid needs to be hours away from town by the end of the day and on their way to the Washington hideout. Travel in pairs only. Get there in a month or be on your own."

"Can't we go somewhere warm?" Kim groaned. "And what about Klaus?"

"Washington is the safest bet. Far away, hard to navigate the wilderness. Great for training. As for Klaus, I'll take care of him, don't worry." I shrugged. "You can count him as a thing of the past after tonight."

Just as I said that Adrian came stumbling in shouting. "I want to slit his throat!"

I rolled my eyes at Tyler, "I'm gonna head to the festival. You got this?"

He gave me a curt nod and moved to calm down Adrian. I walked over to tuck my travel bag between the pillar and the bars on the cage. And brushed out my light pink dress. I could hear Hayley up the steps and quickly vamp to her grabbing her arm on my way out and bringing her just out of hearing distance.

"Was that really necessary?" she huffed when we finally came to a stop.

"Sorry i just wanted a word in private." I smiled because I haven't gotten a chance to tell her. "Tomorrow im going to New Orleans. It's safe for us now, we just need to keep our birthmarks covered."

"That's amazing! Oh my god we get to see our family." she grinned.

"There's more I need to tell you. If you are who I think you are, if you are Andrea you are going to be walking into a hell of alot of responsibility." I crossed my arms. "Like political responsibility."

"What?" she asked, scrunching her eyebrows together.

"You know the usual. Meetings, barganings, taking care of people, possible arranged marriages. The usual." I shrugged and rocked on my heels.

"Marriage? No. Everything else is ok." She made a face. "I'll see you later tonight."

I laughed at her response as she headed back to the cellar. I got on my bike and tucked my dress so it wouldn't fly away as I sped to town.


"Now I know my work isn't for everyone but is that face really needed." a rough and deep british voice whispered behind me. I felt a smile grow on my face as I felt his hand rest on the small of my back.

"Just seems so sad, so lonely. Like the darker side of christmas." I turned to him after controlling my smile. "But it makes for a lovely snowflake."

"Is it too sad for you, Little Bird?" he asked, handing me a glass of champagne.

"I'd like to see you paint something happier for a change." I shrugged and sat at a table. "So what are you doing here? Charity work?"

"It's called socializing, dear. Trying to make a home in this town for my family." he took the seat next to me.

"Have you thought about making a home elsewhere? You know maybe in a town where you haven't killed most of the supernatural families?" I gave him a cheeky look as I sipped my glass.

"Are you inviting me to go back toTexas again, or somewhere else?" he asked, leaning in.

"It's definitely a warmer climate than here." I looked around at the crowd. "You told me you lived in New Orleans a century ago."

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