Too Far

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{Jay POV}

The air was freezing in my old home in New Orleans. The bricks were splattered with blood and debris. I slowly pulled myself up to my feet using the railing. I was standing in the middle of a war. With nik on one side and the man who raised me, Marcel, and many others on the other. I tried to speak but my mouth won't open. I tried to move but my feet wouldn't. I wanted to scream as they rushed at each other but nothing came out and before they could even collide everything was gone.

Dark, why is it so dark? I thought about opening my eyes, still dark. Not just dark but my eyelids wouldn't move. I wanted to scream as I began to remember what had happened before. Am I dead? Is this my death? Never ending darkness. I can't scream. I can't even scream. I can't even cry in fear. At least on the other side I could watch and see things.

But I can hear? Maybe I am on the otherside, it just takes time to adjust. It's odd how that thought somehow makes me feel a little better. I can hear something clattering, feet shuffling, faintly the sound of someone talking. Damon?

"Why are you talking to Jay's body?" is that- is that Jeremy?

"Hoping she can hear me on the otherside, i guess.'' I felt Damon's hand pat my shoulder. No that can't be right. I shouldn't be able to feel it from the otherside. "Can you-"

"See her? No." Jeremy answered. I need to get up. I forced all my concentration into trying to lift a single finger. Anything. Please. This is some fucked up sleep paralysis, I thought.

"She probably went to her brother." I could feel Damon move away from me, or, well, my body.

"When are you going to take her body to her brother?" I heard Jeremy's voice come from the other side.

"When elena finishes her transition.'' Damon sounded so disgruntled. So angry. Elenas in transition. If she's dead then Alaric is too. This brought me so much happiness. They are alive, which means some originals survived.

"Should that be happening?" Jeremy asked loudly. I could feel my finger finally moving. Holy shit, I'm not dead! I'm not on the other side! I could cry for joy but still no sound.

"What?" damons rough footsteps crossed the floor.

"Her finger, it moved and- and her chest its-" Jermey said a little shaky. I'm breathing? The hell is happening, I should be dead.

"The hell-" Damon said as I lifted my hand up. I need to push harder. I worked to kick up my leg that was against the back of the couch. Maybe falling off the couch would be enough to wake me up. I felt my leg move a bit. Harder. I pushed again and got my foot off the couch. "Jeremy back up."

With all my concentration I finally kicked myself off. My eyes still shut. I rolled off the couch and couldn't stop myself from hitting the floor. I felt my head bang on the ground.

"Jay? Jay! Can you hear me?" I felt Damon shaking my shoulders. Rolling my over to my back. My eyes snapped open and the first thing to come out was just a blood curdling scream followed by a few quiet sobbs. Damon pulled me into his arms and rubbed my back. "Shh. shh. You're fine, you're safe."

I looked over his shoulder and saw Jeremy standing there wide eyed as Stefan tumbled down the stairs. Eyes wide as well when they met mine, "you should be dead."

"Gee, thanks. Don't you think I know that?" I croaked, pulling away from damon, "that was probably the scariest thing of my life."

I smacked my tongue inside my mouth, it was so dry. Stefan took notice and went to get me some blood.

"What happened?" Damon asked me as I looked around the room, it was dark but starting to get lighter. Must be close to dawn.

"I don't know, at first I thought that i was on the otherside and was just adjusting but then i could feel you. I couldn't see or move, it felt like hours. And there was this weird dream. I should be dead."

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