Dream of Me

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{Niklaus POV}


Run faster!


No matter how fast I run I can never catch her. When I first started seeing her in my dreams I would just be strolling by the quarry near my birth village and see a wisp of copper curls fly into the woods. Then the tail of her skirt. Her feet, then legs. The back of her figure in a loose fitting black dress, in the short millisecond it takes for her to change directions it falls to the middle of her thigh. Then she'll take off once again and her hair and skirt goes fluttering in the wind. Her skin was fair but sprinkled with freckles along her arms and shoulder. Markings on her arms and legs, some seeming like tattoos and others like scars. Her soft laughter taunting me to catch up. Her laughter reminded me of the little birds that would chatter in the trees at morning's first light.

We play the same game of chase every night in my sleep. Every morning I wake up in cold sweats when I think I'll finally catch her. The closest I have ever gotten was grazing her elbow with the pad of my middle finger. Though lately since I've undone the curse, I have been gaining on her. Last night I crossed a new threshold. I saw just the corner of her cooey smile. It was the kind of smile that trapped you. Planted the souls of your feet and made you suck in a sharp breath as you stare. Cause it wasn't a cute smile you get from your crush across the hall at school, that other girls her age are sharing. It was like everything you had been doing was because she wanted you to, because you were in fact her prey. I reached slowly to push the rest of her hair out of her face but before I can she is gone. And I'm all alone once again. I wonder occasionally who has been haunting me since I was a boy.

I jumped up from my seat at Gloria's bar causing everyone to pass a look of question over me. No one bothered to ask though. 'Bekah knew all too well what haunted me. Gloria let go of Bekah's hands and leaned back. "I found it."

"So where is it?" Rebekah leaned forward with a toothy grin.

The witch waved a hand slightly at her, "It doesn't work like that, doll." she begins to explain, "I get images. There's a girl and her friends..."

" Yeah, a dead girl and her dead friends if I don't get my necklace back!"

"Well I'll have to dive in to get more details."

I pushed off my seat and moved to the table where my sister and the witch were, "so dive."

"I need more time, and space." was her response as I leaned over her at the table. I just want a move on so I can figure out this problem with the hybrids. She goes on a bit about harassing her juju and bullshit. I tell her we can wait reluctantly. It must have been noticeable that I was beginning to feel reluctant because Stefan was offering to let me choose who we ate. My sister slid off the table to follow Stefan and as I began to follow suite Gloria placed her hand on my own.

Images started racing through my head. The girl in the woods. A young boy kept tripping to keep up with her. He's calling after her but I can't make out a name. She stops in front of me and reaches out her hands with her palms facing the sky. There is an oval, burn scar in each palm. "The wolve's redeemer, means everything" A voice echoed in my ears as I snapped out of it. Glorias mouth had formed a straight line. She turned to Rebekah and Stefan, "How about you two take a step outside for a minute."

I stare at the witch with anticipation and just nod my head letting the others know it was fine to leave us. I moved to sit across from Gloria. "What do you know?" I ask the second the door closes behind my sister. "Tell me everything!"

She quirked her eyebrows at me. "There's a lot that can be said about that girl."

"Well go on!" raising my voice slightly.

"She's a very well known werewolf." she shrugs.

I slammed my fist on the table, "Called the wolve's redeemer! Now I don't know about you but that sounds like a very important werewolf, not just well known!"

"Ok from what I know she is the hero type. Going around saving wolves and hireable for killing vampires and witches." she tapped her fingers on the wood before scratching her head, " she travels a lot so she's hard to find but i've heard of her having a base in southern texas."

"I need an exact location of this girl." Glorias holding out on me. Her heart beat pounding in her chest. "What is it you're not telling, witch?"

"She's been spotted in between Houston and Galveston, that's the best I've got for location,hun.'' She got up and moved to the bar to pour herself a drink. I made my move to the front door. As I placed my hand on the door knob, thinking of ways to interrogate her later. "Oh and she's a hybrid, kind of like you. A werewolf and some type of witch. And beware if she sees you she is likely to kill you." I scoffed quickly left to join the others slamming the door behind me.

So she's real. She's a living breathing person. And now I know where to find her. I want to punish her for haunting me to madness over the last millennium.

Please comment and let me know what you think. This is my first time and I would greatly appreciate your opinions. Thank you :)

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