No Goodbyes

375 13 6

{Jay POV}

I sat in the rigid wheelchair at the hospital watching one of the lights flicker in the ceiling. We shouldn't be here, I thought to myself. Here she's a sitting duck for alaric. I imagine he'll be coming soon.

I spun it up and down the hallway, waiting for Jeremy and the doctor to finish talking. I leaned the chair back so i was just balancing on the big wheels as I rolled up to Jeremy. "If it's just a concussion we should get Elena the hell outta here." I watched the doctor turn the corner, out of sight.

"Yeah, I just need to call a couple people real fast." he said and i rolled away once again. This kid is not the brightest. But who am I to say, I'm playing with a wheelchair. I wheeled over to Elena's room and opened the door.

"Oh, Elena honey, it's time to wake up and leave." I laughed knowing she was unconscious. I gently scooped her out of the bed and placed her in the chair.

"What are you doing?" Jeremy exclaimed as I pushed Elena down the hall.

"Getting the hell outta here. Call someone with a car to get here fast." I told him as we walked briskly out of here. "I think Alaric is here."

He did what I told him to without further questions. By the time we had made it to the back of the hospital Tyler, Matt and Caroline were already there ready to go. I ditched the chair in the middle of the parking lot as they sped out back to Elena's.


"I can't sleep, Caroline." I heard Elena say as I walked into the living room.

"I got ya." I placed my hand on her forehead as she was laying down on the couch. "Somnum."

Her eyes eased shut and her breaths became slow and deep.

"Umm that's not like permanent, is it?" Caroline asked, wide eyed at her friend.

"Nah temporary sleep spell. She'll wake up like any normal sleep." i informed her before grabbing the bourbon bottle i had brought earlier. I sat down in one of the armchairs and propped my feet up on the coffee table.

"Hey, Jay, our moms called," Tyler gestured to him and Caroline. "Matt and Jeremy are here and Stefan should be here soon."

"Ok, text me if ya need anything." I told him lazily as I sunk further into the chair. I don't know what i should be doing so I slowly let myself drift into a bit of a sleep.

I woke up a little bit later to Stefan kicking my foot. "You hungry?"

"Depends." I groaned, rubbing my eye a bit. "Not blood but like actual food."

I saw him roll his eyes a bit, "actual food."

"Sounds good." I stood up and walked to the kitchen to help Matt set the table. I looked to see Elena still peacefully sleeping. "Has she stayed out the entire time?"

"No she woke up just a bit before Stefan got here." Matt said as he passed me the plates.

"I'm not even asleep." Elena piped up before pulling herself up till she's sitting, "I'm being over coddled, i feel fine."

"You're under house arrest. You supposed to be coddled." Stefan reminded us.

"Wouldn't it be better to get you the hell out of town?" matt said walking over to her.

"It would be." i added as i finished putting out the plates.

"But do what? Go on the run for the rest of my life? No thank you." wow she's got an attitude.

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