Don't Worry

770 28 10

{Jay POV}

Knock knock.

"Little bird, are you up?" i could hear nik ask from the other side of my door.

"Mmm, come in." i rolled out of bed. Nik came in and shut the door behind him and flopping down at the foot of my bed. "So I met your brother, Kol, last night."

"Yes, he told me about that silencing spell you did. You're probably going to be using that one a lot more. All my siblings are up and my mother is now back from the dead." he was rubbing his hands over his face, "she's says she forgives me."

"That's good, nik." i smiled and pulled on a pair of jeans.

"Mmm i don't know if i believe her. She also decided we're going to throw a ball for the town." he sat up but was slouched over.

"Oh, hard pass on that." I shook my head. "If you don't believe your mom about her forgiving you then just talked to her."

"I will, possibly." he looked over at me as I was pulling my hair up. "What do you have planned for today?"

"Avoiding this ball stuff, maybe help go to the grill." I pulled on my boots.

"You are going to this ball, Jay." Nik stood up.

"There is no good reason for me to." I put my hands on my hips.

"You're going. End of discussion. If i have to, you have to." he said as we walked out my door.

"Ugh but i don't have a dress." I tried.

"Neither does Rebekah, you can go look with her." We got to the kitchen and I poured myself a coffee.

"Come on, I want you to meet my mother." he pulled me to the foyer where she was sitting at one of the tables eating breakfast. "Jay, this is my mother, ester and my eldest brother, fin."

"It's nice to meet both of you." i shook both of their hands.

"It's lovely to meet you, Jay, I've heard quite a bit about you." Ester smiled holding my hand in both of hers. She gave me questionable feelings.

"All good i hope?" I looked nervously at nik.

"Yes, well, you know how witches talk." she let go and turned back to her food. Oh, ok, not a good first impression. Nik had left the room to talk on the phone with someone.

"Elijah mentioned wanting to speak to you." fin started looking at me as he sat down next to his mother, "i believe he is in the back patio."

"Oh, thank you." I nodded at him and took a sip of my coffee as I headed for the back door.

Elijah was sitting at the patio table with a coffee and a book. And again, in a suit. I walked over and took a seat next to him.

"Good morning, jay." he said setting down his book.

"Morning, uh Finn said you wanted to talk to me.'' I shifted in my seat a little nervous and of course Elijah noticed.

"Perhap we could walk a bit, and talk." Elijah got up and grabbed his coffee.

"Sure." i sighed and followed his lead. We were a good bit away from the house when he began to speak.

"Have you met my mother?" he questioned.

"Yes and-" i was going to mention kol as well.

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