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(This is one of my regular imagines! Yes, I got this idea from TikTok haha. This has been in my drafts for so long. Enjoy xx)


Today's an exciting day for me, it's my 18th birthday and it's the day I find out who my soulmate is. After you blow your candles at 8:00 pm, the name will slowly appear on your wrist.

For some odd reason, I was nervous. I should be excited because I finally get to know and look for my dream man. But I was nervous because what if it's someone I hate. Or someone who doesn't want me?

All these thoughts were running through my mind and I forgot that it was almost time to blow my cake. I look up from my seat and see my whole family smiling at me.

My cake had a picture of when I met Shawn 2 years ago. Shawn Mendes was my dream man and to be honest, I wouldn't mind if his name popped up on my wrist.

"It's 8:00, it's time to blow the candles" My mom exclaims, clapping her hands together. She looks at me and says "Whoever this man is, he's very lucky"

"Thank,s ma" I reply, kissing her on the cheek.

Everyone starts to sing happy birthday and all I can think about was the name that was going to pop up onto my wrist any second now.

"Happy birthday dear Y/N...Happy birthday to you..."

I made my wish and blew my candles out. Everyone looked at me like it was the end of the world. The room was quiet, no one dared to move.

I looked up at my mom and she nodded her head, telling me that it was finally time.

I took a deep breath and lifted my long sleeve shirt.

Shawn's POV
(Throwback to Shawn's 18th Birthday)

"Shawn it's time for you to look at your wrist, honey"

I nod my head and look at my wrist.


I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. I've never heard of that name before.

"What does it say, man?" Brian asks.

I show him my wrist and he makes the same face I made.

"Well let's go do some research, Mendes" He suggests.

I nod my head and follow him into the living room.

Back to Y/N's POV

Shawn Mendes


"Lucky bitch"

I shake my head, not believing that this is happening.

"This must be some sick joke." I say, trying to wipe off the name, but it was permanent.

It was going to be permanent until Shawn falls in love with me.

"Aren't you happy dear?" My mom asks, rubbing my back.

"I am happy. I'm just shocked. He has a girlfriend. What if I'm not even on his wrist. What if the universe is messing with me? What if this is the universe's way of punishing me for all the bad shit I did?"

"Chill, I'll help you make a plan so when you find him you'll know what to do" My cousin, Rosa says.

The party soon died down and Rosa stayed over to help me figure out a "plan".

"Well isn't he having a concert at the Forum in a couple weeks?"

"Yeah, but I wasn't planning on going..."

"Things change, honey. I'll go with you for support" Rosa says.

I shrug my shoulders "I guess, but how are we going to get tickets? It's sold out"

"My friend, Mike works at the Forum. He can get us tickets"

This was a bad idea.


It was the day of the concert, Rosa had slept over and we were getting ready to go to the concert. Mike had gotten us VIP + Meet & Greet passes so we had to get there early.

"I'm ready, Rosa" I yell.

"I'm coming"

"Goodluck, honey" My dad says, hugging me tightly.

"Thanks, dad" I reply.

Rosa and I get in my Jeep and we head straight to the venue. When we got there the line for VIP wasn't pretty long so we chatted with the other girls and let time pass by.

Shawn's POV

"Shawn, they're letting in VIP so I suggest you get ready." Joe says.


I head into the bathroom and put on my floral button-up with my black skinny jeans. I was about to do my hair until I heard a loud bang on the door.

I open the door and see Brian and Connor.

"Dude, I think we found your girl" Connor breathes out.

"What?" I reply.

"Y/N...she's in the VIP line" Brian says.

"Are you sure?"

They both nod their head and I instantly start to freak. I had to look perfect, I had to smell good, I had to make sure things went perfectly.

After freaking out for 10 minutes straight it was finally time to take pictures. The line was longer than usual and it was exhausting.

I heard Brian whispering from the side but I couldn't figure out what he was trying to say so I walked closer to him.

"What are you saying, dude?"

"Y/N...That's her, she's next." He says, point to the line of girls.

I turn around and see a gorgeous girl with a black jumpsuit that had flowers on it.

"Goodluck, man." Brian says, pushing me towards the mystery girl.

The photographer calls next and she walks up to me. She looked up at me and smiled. "Hi, Shawn."

"Hi honey, you're Y/N right?"

"The one and only." She laughs.

She was cute, definitely my type.

"Can I see your wrist?" I ask shyly.

She nods her head and long and behold my name was written on her wrist as hers was written on mine.

And that's the story of how I met my soulmate.




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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2020 ⏰

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