"Not a team lead by you! I've studied, trained and quite frankly; I deserve better! Ozpin made a mistake," said Weiss, as she walks away.

"Hmm, now that didn't seem to go very well," said Ozpin, appearinf out of nowhere.

"Is she right? Did you make a mistake?" Asked Ruby.

"That remains to be seen," said Ozpin.

Back at Weiss

"Proffesor Port!" Said Weiss as she approaches Port.

"Ah, Miss. Schnee! And to what do I owe this fine pleasure?"

"I-I enjoyed your lecture," said Weiss.

"Of course you did child; you have the blood of a true huntress in you,"

"You really think so?" Asked Weiss.

"Most surely!" Weiss pans her vision away from Port and into the sunset.

"Hmm.. something's troubling you,"

"Yes, sir," answered Weiss.

"Dear girl, confess me your strife!" Said Port.

"Well, I-I think I should've been the leader of Team RWBY," a silence fills the air.

"That's preposterous," said Port.

Back to Ruby

"What do you mean?" Asked Ruby.

"I mean it's only been one day,"

"Ruby, I've made mistakes more than any man, woman and child on this planet.. But at this moment, I would not consider your appointment to be leader as one of them, do you?"

Back to Weiss

"Excuse me!?" Said Weiss.

"I have known Proffesor Ozpin for many years and the man's never once led me astray,"

"So you would just blindly accept his decision even after seeing how exceptional I am?" Asked Weiss.

"With all due respect, your exceptional skills on the battlefield is matched only by your poor attitude,"

"How dare you!"

"My point exactly, I see a girl before me who has spent her life getting exactly what she wanted,"

"That's not even remotely true," said Weiss, crossing her arms.

"Well, not entirely true.."

Back to Ruby

"Being a team leader isn't just a title you carry into battle, but a badge you wear constantly. If you are not always performing your absolute best, then what reason do you give others to follow you?" Said Ozpin.

Back to Weiss ( this is getting tiring )

"So the outcome did not fall in your favour, do you really believe that acting in such a manner would cause those in power to reconsider their decision? So instead of fretting what you don't have, savor what you do," Said Port.

"Hone your skills, perfect every technique, and not be the best leader, but the best person you can be," said Port.

Back to Ruby

"You've been burdened with a daunting responsibility, Ruby. I advise you to take some time, to think about how you will uphold it," Ruby looks at Weiss and smiles.


It was midnight, the students are already fast asleep, and the teachers has already gone back to their comfort homes.

Remnant's Wolverine (Wolverine!Male Reader x RWBY) Where stories live. Discover now