I love you

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The nest morning

Kim Younghee proudly trudged through the school halls unaware of the disgusted looks and whispers of others that had increased since she arrived.

"Kim Younghee, you are to report to the principal's office right now" a teacher says

"Why? What have I done!?" She asks.

"You'll find out when you get there. But I should say, students like you are the reason that our school gets a bad reputation" the teacher says

After a while the whole school was notified about a certain Kim Younghee being expelled for her misconduct.

"Heh...she's getting what she deserves. I can't believe she hired thugs to beat up Hyunjin"

"She should have known who she was messing with."

"She deserves it for hurting my oppa"

"What a witch"

All the students were whispering about Kim Younghee and Hyunjin and the others felt glad that Younghee was getting the punishment she deserved.

"Hey guys, why is Seungmin not here yet?" Hyunjin asks worriedly

"I don't know... he's normally at school by now" Jeongin says

"Maybe he slept in?" Minho supplies

"But Seungminnie isn't the type to sleep in" Felix says

"I hope he's okay"

Seungminnie,where are you?

"Are you sure you don't want me to stay home today? I don't want to leave you alone when you're feeling unwell." Seungmin's dad asks placing a cold towel on Seungmin's forehead

"Yes appa...I can manage..it's just the flu...I'm sure I'll be fine..you go to the bakery. Your customers will be waiting for your special cupcakes" Seungmin says weakly

" You get extremely weak when you're sick so I'm worried okay. I don't like leaving my son alone in such a weak state"

"I promise dad,I'll lay in bed all day so there's nothing to worry about"

"Call me if you feel worse alright?"

"Yes appa"

After his dad left, Seungmin buried himself in his blankets. His whole body ached because of the bruises he got from his bullies. And since he'd been eating less than he should, his body was already weak.

Curse his immune system for having caught the flu.

After a while, Seungmin got up and went to the kitchen to eat something and then eat his meds. He found congee on the stove. His dad must have left it there for him. He saw a note on the table with some meds.

Heat the congee and eat your meds. Finish all of the congee alright!? I know you've been eating less lately and I'm worried. Get lots of rest after. I'll try to come home a little earlier tonight.

Love dad

Seungmin smiled at the note. His dad had been worried for a long time because of him. He felt sorry that he couldn't be a better son to his dad.

He ate the congee and had his meds and left the empty dishes in the sink. He went up to his room and buried himself into his blankets again.

I wonder how Hyunjinnie and the others are doing.

Truth be told, Seungmin missed Hyunjin. He missed the older's eye smiles and his dramatic responses. He missed his scent and his comforting words. But he knew he had to leave it all behind. This was all for Hyunjin's sake. He couldn't be the reason for his hurt again.

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