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The next day, Hyunjin wouldn't leave Seungmin's side. He would stick to Seungmin like glue and would follow him wherever he went.

Honestly, Seungmin liked having the company but he did not like the nasty stares he was getting from Hyunjin's fangirls

But he could not just push Hyunjin away right?

"Hyunjin, you don't need to follow me everywhere I go" Seungmin says exasperated

"But if I leave you alone then those jerks will hurt you again. And that's not happening on my watch. I'm gonna protect you no matter what " Hyunjin answers.

Seungmin felt his face heating up and he knew for sure that his face was redder than a tomato right now.

"Awww... Is Seungminnie blushing? Oh my gosh you're so cute" Hyunjin starts cooing

"Shut up... " Seungmin whines.

"Seungminnie's blushing! Seungminnie's blushing" Hyunjin chants.

"Shut up... " Seungmin whines and he covers his cheeks with his hands and walks faster.

"Hey wait up!!!!!" Hyunjin says trying to catch up with Seungmin.

"You can't just run from me like that" Hyunjin says with a pout after catching up to Seungmin

Oh my gosh, he's so cute!!!

Seungmin squeals internally.

"We have different classes, you should go to your class Hyunjinnie... Bye" Seungmin says and leaves Hyunjin dumbfounded.

Hyunjinnie? He gave me a nickname? That's so cute!!!

"He gave me a nickname! Yes! " Hyunjin fist bumps the air and goes to class with a bright grin on his face.

A small fluff before things gets serious again.

Hope you enjoyed!!!💕💕💕

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