Only us

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Hyunjin's P.O.V

Crap! I forgot to give Seungmin the keychain.

It was a keychain of a white pup and I couldn't help but be reminded of Seungmin when I saw it in the shop so I ended up getting it for him.

Damn... I'm whipped huh?

As I get closer to his classroom, I get a faint smell of his scent but I also sense a smell of blood.

I panic and start running towards his classroom.

When I open the door, I can't help but let out a growl.

There lying unconscious on the floor was Seungmin with a bloodied face, busted lips and his whole body was covered with bruises.

How can people be so cruel? Especially to someone as precious as Seungmin?

"You freaking monsters! How could you do that!? " I growl out as I go towards Seungmin and check his injuries.

"I don't get why you care so much for a piece of crap like him! He deserves it... He should just go and die!" A girl says.

"You're the one who should go and die! Not him!" I say, glaring at each of the students present there.

"I swear, if you lay a finger on him again, I'm going to kill all of you!" I threaten them before picking up Seungmin bridal style and taking him to the infirmary.

I place Seungmin on the bed and ask the nurse to treat his injuries.

The nurse leaves after treating his wounds and I stay with Seungmin.

Suddenly he starts stirring in his sleep.

"I'm sorry..... I'm sorry..... " Seungmin starts whimpering in his sleep.

I hold his hands to help calm him down.
I hold his body close to mine and rub circles on his back to help soothe him.

He finally sighs and calms down.

"Hyunjin......?" He whispers.

"Seungmin! You're awake! How are you feeling? Where does it hurt?" I frantically ask.

"My whole body hurts.... " Seungmin whimpers while trying to sit up.

"Seungmin-ah... Please rest... Don't force yourself yo sit up" I say as I hold him down and make him lay down.

He whimpers and winces at every move.

I involuntarily let out a growl...

"I swear I'm gonna kill those jerks " I say

" No you won't... " Seungmin sternly says

"But Seungmin-ah!" I whine

"You're not getting in trouble because of me!" He cries out

"But they hurt you!" I answer back

"I deserve it anyways" he whispers under his breath but I heard it.

I quickly grab onto his arms which makes him look at me.

"In no way do you deserve any of these! You hear me? You deserve so much more. You're so beautiful inside and out and I just wish you could see that " I say as I hold onto his hands tightly.

"I just... I don't know who to believe anymore " He says

" You don't have to believe anyone else... You just have to listen to me and believe only me... Got it?" I say

He nods his head slowly.

I pull him in for a soft hug.

He doesn't resist.

And in that small infirmary of the school, it felt like it was only the two of us in the whole world.

Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!
I'm just surprised at why you guys are still reading this cringey story... But thanks for the love, bubs! 💕💕💕❤❤❤💓💓💓

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