Just as long as you're okay

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Trigger warning: mentions of weight insecurity

At the cafe:

Hyunjin orders their drinks and buys some snacks that he thinks Seungmin might like.

Seungmin goes to find a table for them.
Hyunjin spots him and brings some pastries and drinks with him.

"You're going to eat all of that!?" Seungmin asks bewildered.

"No of course not.. I'm going to share with you. " Hyunjin says brightly.

Seungmin did feel hungry but...

You're too fat.

You shouldn't eat so much.

You look like a pig.

Eh, look it's piggy Min

The words of his bullies came into his head and he could not help but feel nauseous seeing the food.

"Sorry Hyunjin... I'm not really hungry.. " Seungmin says with the most apologetic smile he could muster.

Hyunjin could tell Seungmin was lying but, why? He looks hungry and Hyunjin saw the way his eyes lit up after seeing the pastries, so why was he holding back?

Seungmin was visibly skinny and Hyunjin knew he weighed really less when he carried him to the nurse's office.

"Please have some... I can't finish these on my own and I don't want my money to go to waste ~" Hyunjin mustered his best puppy eyes.

He knew it was bad to guilt trip someone but.. He knew Seungmin needed food in his system.

"Okay fine... But just a little bit, alright?" Seungmin says as he takes a bite out of the pastry.

The pastry was heavenly and it melted right in Seungmin's mouth. He took another few bites and Hyunjin felt happy seeing him eat.

But then,

If you eat too much, you'll become fat again.

Look at you taking in all those calories.

You're going to gain weight again.


Seungmin put down his fork and pushed the pastry towards Hyunjin.

"You're full already? You only had less than half though?" Hyunjin asks concerned.

"I told you, I'm not that hungry... I can't eat any more " Seungmin answered.



"You're so skinny and you look famished... You're definitely lying... " Hyunjin says.

"I'm not-"

"Please tell me what's wrong?... Why are you so skinny...? Why do you weigh so less?" Hyunjin says with a sad voice.

"Because I'm fat... " Seungmin says very softly but loud enough for Hyunjin to hear.


"Who told you that!?" Hyunjin asks incredulously.

"Everyone says so... I mean... Look at me... I'm too chubby for my own good.. " Seungmin says fiddling with his fingers.

"Love, you're far from fat.. You're so skinny that I'm scared you could lose consciousness any moment " Hyunjin says with an undistinguishable look in his eyes..

Was it pity? Or disgust? Or sorrow? Seungmin could never tell.

"Don't look at me that way... " Seungmin says

"Like what?" Hyunjin asks

"Like you pity me... Like you feel bad for me being this way... " Seungmin says with tears welling up in his eyes.

"Of course not... I don't pity you.. " Hyunjin says and rushes to sit beside Seungmin.

"Love, I'm just sad that you're not taking good care of yourself... Please.. Eat more... Don't be so hard on yourself " Hyunjin says grasping Seungmin's hands.

"But... I need to lose more weight... I'm still too fat-"

Hyunjin clasps his hand on Seungmin's mouth and successfully stops him from saying more hateful words about himself.

"Love, you don't have to push yourself so hard you know? If people hurt you for being you, then it's them who needs to change, not you. "


"No arguments allowed. You don't have to hurt yourself to change for people who could care less. You can't lose who you are for people who don't even know how great you are "

Tears starts flowing down Seungmin's face and he starts sobbing. Hyunjin pulls him into a hug and holds him tight.


From now on, you don't have to force yourself to please those people.

I'll protect you from the whole world if I have to.

I don't care if I have to fight the whole world.

Just as long as you're okay.

And that's a wrap for this chapter.

Sorry I don't update a lot.

My exams are next month so I'm preparing for that... Hope you liked this chapter...


Thanks for the 8k reads, you guys!

You're the best ever!!!!💕💕💕💕

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