A storm is brewing

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Seungmin had been feeling uneasy this morning. And he knew the reason why. His heat was starting in a few days and he knew he'd need to take a few days off in order to deal with his heat.

Normally, he'd snuggle in a nest made of his dad's clothes and his blankets as he was the only alpha he spent most of his time with. But now that he knew Hyunjin was his mate and that he spent more time with him, Seungmin knew he'd have to spent his heat with Hyunjin or at least have his scent around him.

The thing was that Seungmin was too shy to ask Hyunjin for an article of his clothing.

But he had to or it'd be difficult for him to spent his heat smoothly.

He'd have to ask Hyunjin for some of his clothes today because he'd have to start making his nest already.

But the major problem was, Hyunjin was from another section and he mostly hung out with other alphas from his class.

"Eung... This is too hard for me... "

"What's gotten you so sullen Minnie?" Felix says.

"My heat's coming up in a few days but I'm too shy to ask Hyunjin for a piece of his clothing scented with his scent"

"Awww.. Our Minnie's first heat with his alpha " Jisung says

"Shut up... It's not like I'm gonna sleep with him... "

"Just go and ask him.. It's not like he'll refuse.. The guy is whipped for you "
Felix teases

"Eung... " Seungmin whines with a pout forming

Felix and Jisung literally cooed at how cute Seungmin was being.

"You can ask him during break okay?"

"Alright "

During lunch break

Seungmin trudges his way towards Hyunjin's classroom.

"Eung... But how am I supposed to call him out?"

"Excuse me, can I help you?" someone says from behind Seungmin

"Eung!" Seungmin squeaks out in shock

"You're Kim Seungmin right? Are you looking for Hyunjin?" A guy as tall as Hyunjin with raven black hair and a well toned body says. He seemed to be an alpha by his smell.

"Yes... I'm searching for him... Can you help me find him?" Seungmin asks him even though he knew he should be careful around alphas

"Yes.. I saw him going towards the old abandoned building "

That's strange.. Why would he go there?

"Come on.. I'll take you to him" He says

"Okay... " Seungmin says a little warily

"My name is Lee Hoojun by the way... I'm Hyunjin's classmate"

"Oh.. So you're a friend of his?"

"Something like that I guess" Hoojun says smirking a little

Oh dear, he's so gullible.. I'm gonna have some fun with him... I'm gonna make Hyunjin feel so miserable...

Ha.. He won't be able to protect his precious little omega from me..

Uh oh... Trouble is brewing and Hyunjin isn't there.. Where is that idiot? Seungmin's gonna be in big trouble if he doesn't arrive in time.

So... Y'all... I can't stress this enough....

YOU GUYS ARE HONESTLY THE BEST! Like dang... You really don't have to vote on this crappy book but y'all are giving me too much love...

And don't worry, I'm not going to discontinue this book.. My exams ended only on Monday and I was so exhausted so I gave myself time to recharge before I got to writing this book.

Also, thanks for all the comments. Some of you are so funny. I nearly pissed myself while laughing at your comments.

Thanks.. You all are really the best... ❤💕💕❤

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