Chapter 54

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Lucky's POV

We are now on the runway, and AC and I are watching YouTube videos on her phone. She has YouTube Premium, she downloaded the videos before, and still has her phone on airplane mode. We shared earbuds, one of us each got one. I put the right earbud in my right ear, and AC put the left one in her left ear. Ylona already is going to go sleep. I don't know if she will end up waking up during take off, or if she will be able to sleep though it. Everyone else around us I noticed is closing their eyes, except for a few of us. Ac and I are waiting till take off before we go fall asleep.

The plane came to a stop, then after a couple seconds, the plane started speeding up until we were off the ground, and in the air. AC held my hand, tightly. She was scared. I held her hand with my other hand to try and comfort her that everything is okay.

Ylona woke up from her sleep. She closed her eyes again though and went back to sleep.

"Sleep time now?" I asked AC.

"Mm... Yeah. I'm starting to get tired again." AC replied.

"We can't recline the seats yet till were at cruising altitude, so you can use my shoulder as a pillow."

"Okay, thanks what about you though?"

"I'm fine, I also got the airplane pillow. Would you like to use it?"

"No thanks, I'll just take your offer of leaning my head on your shoulder. It was comfortable earlier when I was leaning on it."

"Okay, good night or Good Morning AC."

"Heh, heh, heh, good morning Lucky." She laughed.

I flipped the arm rest up between our seat, got the pillow, and she laid on my shoulder. She already passed out. I noticed the pillow looked like it made it uncomfortable for her to have her head laying down on my shoulder, so I took the pillow off. I didn't really even need the pillow anyway.

I closed my eyes, and before I knew it, I was already passing out.

Several Hours Later


That was a good sleep. I got up from Lucky's shoulder, and he is still sleeping, laying perfectly straight, I surely thought he would have used my head as a pillow, and I wanted him to so he doesn't have to lay straight and uncomfortable. He even took the pillow off. It was hard to lay on his shoulder, and I think he knew it so he took it off. I checked the screen on the seat in front of me of what time is it exactly and where are we. We are currently basically around Hawaii, so it's been like about 10 hours. It's almost 8:00 pm Pacific Daylight time, and I haven't eaten the entire day. I looked over to Ylona, and also my mom and Kuya Mark, they are all still sleeping. They all probably got up earlier and did things, while I woke up later. I'm not sure if Lucky also did that too.

I pulled some food out of my bag, both snacks, and what I was suppose to have for lunch, a Caesar Salad.

I continued eating my food, and I pulled my phone out and started watching some more YouTube videos I downloaded. I'm going to wait later to watch the movies with Lucky.

Speaking of Lucky, he's still sleeping straight up. I don't know how he hasn't moved yet, but that spot looks too uncomfortable. I brought his head gently to my shoulder, so he can rest his head on it. I laid my head on his head when I felt like relaxing instead of eating, the silence here makes me think a lot about anything and everything on my mind, what will we do when we arrive, how would the concerts go, and more things on my mind.

I continued eating my salad, when Lucky started moving.

"Good morning Lucky, or should I say good evening?" I said to him.

"Morning AC, what time is it?" He asked.

"About 8:00 pm PST. We're basically around Hawaii right now."

"I've been asleep for that long?"

"You never woke up yet?"

"Nope. Not that I can remember."

"Wow, yeah same. I'm technically eating my lunch right now."

"I see, what happened for me to learn your shoulder? I thought it was the other way around." Lucky joked.

"Oh, I woke up, I thought you were going to use the pillow, and you were sleeping straight up. I don't know how you were able to do that, but you seemed uncomfortable, so I had you lay on my shoulder."

"Ah okay, well thank you. I better eat my lunch too."

"What did you bring?"

"I think the same thing you did. I brought a salad, and I think a sandwich and I think we have food from the airport we can eat."

"Okay, what are you going to eat first?"

"Probably the sandwich. It's a BLT sandwich. Want a bite?"

"Sure. I can also give you some of my Caesar Salad."

"Okay, thank you. I brought Chopped Salad, if you want some later I can give you some."

"Alright. I'll also check to make sure what sandwich I made later. I know I made one, but I forgot what I put in it."


We fed each other the salad and sandwich. Both are really good. Though, the sandwich might be cold, it is still good. Lucky's BLT sandwich is really good, and I don't know how I manage to forget what was inside my sandwich. I'll check it later for when I'm suppose to eat my "dinner" even though it's past dinner time.

Chapter finished, this feels like a weird place to end it, but I don't want to continue it for too long, because I might end up finding a harder place to end the chapter. Well, hope you enjoyed and stay tuned for the next chapter!

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