Chapter 5- The Dream

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Ac's POV

We're almost here. I slept for half the flight but that was it. There's heavy snow in Canada and the pilot said we're being delayed by like an hour. Well that's okay because it's probably too early to wake up Ace and my Papa anyways. I'm still watching some of the Dance Kids stuff and some movies. Right now I'm watching the Dance Kids finale and I got really emotional when I did that. It was memorable and it was fun. Soon we'll be in Canada though. I think we traveled over 3/4s of the Pacific Ocean so we will be there in probably in hour or 2. I need to get more sleep to because basically all I got was 6 hours of sleep and I won't have all the energy I need for the day so I might rest a bit till we land.

I finished up watching the finale of the Dance Kids then I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep. Zzz... Zzz... Zzz...

Ac's Dream...

Where am I? This place looks familiar like it's on the top of my tongue but I can't remember what the place is called.

As soon as I saw the picture frame. It's my room in Canada. It looks a bit different because the walls were painted a different color and some stuff was moved around. I remember telling my dad that he could repaint my room and stuff because he said it doesn't suit me. It was just basically a red colored room but I told him he can paint it to something else and he said he's repaint it too grey because it matches the stuff in my room like my Desk, Drawers, bed, etc.

My bed also looks bigger then before to. It's a king sized bed now, and my room is more neat then before because it was a bit messy with some clothes a bit everywhere.

I walked out of the room, and no one is here in the house. I decided to walk out and walk a couple blocks to places I knew.

There's the park that I always use to play on since I was a child. Those were fun times. Me and Lucky would also play tag there and stuff also with our friends Travis, Kyla, and some of our classmates.

Then I walked over to Lucky's house which is not far from my house. I want to go inside but I shouldn't. I remember what I did to Lucky and I don't want to show up till the time is right.

I just kept walking till I goto Fresh Groove. I don't know how I walked this far in the freezing cold weather but I made it through.

I walked inside and it sounds like classes are going on right now. I walked over to the room that I'd always be in along with my class and there's in active class that is going on right now.

I looked inside and I saw him. Reyond Lucky Ancheta. He looks different before I left. He left his old hairstyle and clothing behind... He's got a new look now. He's still looks handsome as he looked before but has a different appearance now. I hope I had nothing to influence it. I'd feel bad if I just made him change to a new him if it was because of me. That wouldn't be good at all.

I saw all my friends and also Lucky's new friends like Michael and them. I don't want to show my face because I don't know how they'll react. Would it be good or bad? I don't want to know the answer so I just walked away.

I headed towards the door then I heard a familiar voice calling my name.

"Ac?" The voice said.

I turned around to the direction of the voice. It was Lucky.

I'm stumbled upon words right now. I don't know what to say. Half of me feels like I want to break down, and the other half wants to apologize and make things right.

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