Hangovers are the worst

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*lukes pov*

The next day I woke up with a banging headache and an empty spot on my bed. Well that's why I'm usually like so I'm fine with it. I didn't even know the girls name. Ouch all this thinking is making my headache worse. Time for paracetamol. Alcohol has never agreed with me I don't know why I have it.

I walked downstairs and had the scent of bacon waft into my face.
"Is there any for me?" I asked Lyra
She stood there deep in thought.
"Is there heck! Even if there was any I wouldn't give it to you." She replied. Ouch, well that kind of hurt especially from Lyra.
"Why are you even here?" I asked
"Ohh well it's band practice for us girls and we don't have any instrument so we come here"

"What's your band name?"
"I still have no idea."
"Why don't you make one?" I asked. She just ignored me and put the bacon on the plate and stormed off into the lounge. Wow what's wrong with her?

*lyras pov*

"Why don't you make one?" He asked
Because I might not be here. I can't say that. I will just ignore him. I am so sad that I'm not telling him yet. It might put him off me. He never had anything for me anyway! I swiftly walked into the lounge.

"Ly do you want to practice now?" Katie asked
"No, its always food before the band."
"Guys shhhh...."Ashton and Jade both said because spongebob squarepants had come on. I'm surprised Jade doesn't have a hangover. They are such a cute couple. The way they always argue and laugh with eachother makes me want to be with someone. It seems all the good people in the world have been taken.

An hour later, after Ashton and Jade finsished watching spongebob squarepants we started to do band practice. Apparently mine and Georgas voices sound good together so we did bits with eachother. The boys were watching so it was really awkward especially when I sang because me and Georgia both sang the wrong parts at the wrong time.

After a few songs we decided we were going to do a song that Luke made up. I finished the song from the chorus Luke did and it would be a big surprise him listening to it.

Jade sat on that box thing that I don't know the name of and says "1, 2, 3" we all start playing together me on base, jade on drums, Georgia and Katie on guitar. I sang the first few lines

Wait, don't tell me
Heaven is a place on earth,
I wish I could rewind all,
The times that I didnt,
Show what your really worth

The boys' eyes widened as I sang that part. I don't know whether that's a good sign or not?

Georgia continued

The way that you held me,
I wish that I put you first
I was wrong I admit
numb from your kiss,
While I was slipping through your fingertips

Luke sang

Taking every breathe away,
With all the mistakes I've made,
With every letter that I saved,
This is everything I didn't say.
I wish I could of made you stay,
But I'm the only one to blame,
I know it's a little too late,
This is everything I didn't say.

I froze at Lukes voice. He knew the chorus. He remembered it. Well it was his song but it was over six months ago how could he remember it? I will ask him but first I need to finish this song.

Wake me up now
And tell me This is all a bad dream,
All the songs that I wrote
All the wrongs that I hoped would erase me from your memory

I saw tears fall down Lukes face. That only made me cry. Everyone was staring from me to Luke and I think they felt awkward.

I still carried on and so did the girls.

Holding onto a broken and empty heart
Flowers I should of bought
All the hours I lost
I wish I could bring it back to the start.

My tears were making my words muffled and everyone slowly walked out of the room.

Me and Luke sang together

Taking every breathe away,
With all the mistakes I've made,
With every letter that I saved,
This is everything I didn't say.
I wish I could of made you stay,
But I'm the only one to blame,
I know it's a little too late,
This is everything I didn't say.

All I wanted to do was run up to Luke, hug him and asked him how he remembered the song. Now I know what's happened to him I can forgive him and stop thinking about myself. Tje fact he actually tried to save me. Why am I such a bitch to him?

I slowly walked up to him and wrapped my arms around his torso and nuzzled my head into his shoulder, crying. I was also freezing so I was shivering but Luke soon wrapped his arms around me and warmed me up.

His tears kept on dripping onto my head so I looked up and pulled out of the hug slightly so that I could see his face.

"How did you remember that song, it's been like 9 months?" I asked

*lukes pov*

Crying whilst having a hangover kills my head but I can't stop the tears. She finished the song for me.

"How do you remember that song it's been like 9 months?" She said.
Because of you.
I paused. Should I say it? No
"Because of you" I said. No! You shouldn't of told her that! Luke! Your an idiot. I facepalmed.
"im so stupid why did I say that I would of wrecked our friendship and I can't lose you as a friend and I can't lose you."
"Did I seriously just say that? OMG.. somethings happening to me"
"It's fine and Luke, reply properly did you mean all that?"
"No" I spat.

"Okay" she breathe a heavily.
"It's not like I cared any..." It got muffled as she ran away. She was crying. Luke what have you done. She could of liked you though. What if she didn't? the what ifs are eating your brain Luke. I always remember that. It was the motto Calum told me. I'm going to go talk to her.

"I'm sorry Lyra."
"Why? You hate me anyway"
"That's not true"
"If it isn't why are you such a rude twat that doesn't care about anyone else's feelings?"
"I love you"


Ohhh I'm sorry this is so late and stuff but I have had a ton of homework.

This teacher keepes on going mad at me for no reason and she keeps on threatening that she is going to phone home. I stood up to put a dictionary back and she went mad and had a rant about misbehaved children.

You probably don't want to know that but she just really annoys me. I will try and upload more often or do you not want me too?

I will upload every two days or something.

Byeeeeee my little beautys,

Molly 🐧

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