You really do care

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(Yet another picture taken by me)

*Lyra's pov*

I think I overdid it today.... I'm starting to not feel very well- it's as if I want to vomit but it just won't come out. Its like my stomach is bieng twisted.

I have took some tablets so hopefully I will start to feel better. There was quite a lot of people at the campsite nearby but luckily Luke persuaded the man to give us a space for a tent far away from anyone else.

I got the cooker out and put some water in a pan to boil so that I could make some cups of tea and coffee (yes I am English so deal with it).

All of the girls watched the boys try and put the tent up. It was highly amusing. Luke was trying to put the poles together and Ashton was telling everyone else what to do (even though he was telling them the wrong instructions). Luke was so cute when he knots his eyebrows together.

"Guys seriously" Katie said"What? We have never put a tent up before!" Mikey said"Mate... you need to put that one through there" Ashton said to Luke which was yet again completely wrong.

"Finished!" They all said a few hours later. "Finally!" I say and we all clamber into the tent.

The tent collapsed as soon as we all got in because Luke and Calum and Mikey started to play fight around the tent. Ashton told them not to but they just act like little kids.

The sun was setting when we all helped eachother put it up. My stomach is starting to feel better. It is only sore because of all the laughing I have been doing. Boy does Luke make me laugh.

We went out for dinner but I asked if I could got to the toilet. There was the toilets and then the front door so I walked out because I didn't feel well. I hope no one saw me.

*Luke pov*

I watched as Lyra walked out the door sneakily. I didn't want to follow her because then it will make it too obvious and this food tastes nice. I am not wasting any food. What if she's not okay? Oh well she is a grown women and she's gone through a lot so she will be fine. Yes but she's got a baby!

As soon as I finished my food i left. I told the guys that Lyra left because she wanted to go home so they just left her. It was very dark now so when I got to the tent she was in there, throwing up into a bowl. I pulled her hair back off her face and held it whilst rubbing her back.

"Why are you throwing up?" I asked when she had stopped.
"I don't know..... I have been getting bad cramps but I just ignored them" she said. Well you shouldn't avoid them you could have ebola or something "this isn't time for jokes, Luke" she said
"Sorry... sorry.... you want some?" I replied, she gave me evils "ohh yeah sorry no jokes".
"Owwwww" she moaned
"What's wrong?" I said worryingly puttin my arm around her rubbing her back.
"It just did it again but worse.... I think it's the baby.... My waters have broke 3 and a half weeks early"
"I'm taking you to the hosptital"
"You can owwwww drive"
"I'd risk anything for you Lyra"I picked her up easily and walked her to the car and accelerated.

*Lyras pov*

"I'd risk anything for you Lyra" he said. He really does care. No one has ever cared this much about me. I don't even know why he likes me.

He carried me into the car and accelerated. It will take us a long time to get to the hospital. It's about an hours drive; if there is no queues.

We were stuck in the queue for about 2 hours and this baby kept on kicking and kicking. Luke was trying to keep me company the whole time by singing load lay trying to make me laugh. Kick. Kick. Kick. Kick.This baby is coming now.
"Luke this baby.... It's coming now"

*lukes pov*

"This baby... It's coming now." that's the last i heard. That's all I heard. What am I meant to do? I can't just stop. Well we are already stopped in the middle of a queue but what do I do? I have no licence so if the police come I'm done. I pulled over to the hard shoulder.

Well I guess I will just have to become a doctor in the next two minutes.
"Ring owww them".
I rang Ash and he picked up sayin "were the hell are you? Why did you take my car? What's wrong?"
"Hello to you too! I took your car because Lyras water broke and we needed to get to the hospital. I am stuck in a queue and the baby is coming now!"
"Were on our way" he replied.
The queues must have gone down because they got here in 15 minutes

"How did you get here so quick?" I asked
"Ohh I took the shortcut!"
"There's a shortcut?"
"Yes Luke, and if you would have waited a bit longer I could have got you to the hospital!" Ashton said
"I'm sorr...."
"Hello girl having a baby over here!"
"Take your knickers down." Luke asked
"Not unfront of you!"

(Idk what a birth scene is like so I will skip it. Idek if you can have a baby three weeks early... I just cba looking into it)

- a few hours later-

*Lyras pov*

A young baby boy is what I had. It was very hard work and I haven't gave it a name yet. We got to the hospital and found out it weighed 5 pounds which is lighter than average. They said the baby isn't born with any conditions so that's lucky.

Luke helped me deliver the baby; which I find a bit awkward seen as well ya no... yeah but he was a really good help. All in all Luke is a great friend and is a very nice person.

"You really do care don't you Luke?" I asked

"Yeah- especially about you"

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