Can you get out of this room please?

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(There is a lot of pov changes in this so u will have to bare with it)

What?! I stood there with my mouth wide open staring at the four people infront of me playing thier hearts out. Around me there was people dancing and grinding and snogging on the dancefloor and i was in the middle of it.

It all makes sense now. When the girls were laughing at me because i couldnt wait to watch the band and how Luke and Calum knew the words to 18. Luke looked me right in the eye whilst Ashton, Calum and Michael rocked out behind him. Luke started to sing 'Beside You' and i couldnt help but to look at him straight in his sharp blue eyes which made the world around me to go in slow motion and fuzzy.

Next minute to arms snaked around my waist Luke gave me evils. Seriously I have to ask him why he keeps doing that but who cares because I have Paul. I turned around to be met with Pauls eyes; i tried and tried but couldnt find any feeling in ny stomach when i looked into them. They were just a boring brown colour. Maybe he isnt right for me? He is perfect for you Lyra he is perfect.

He forcefully kissed me and it didnt feel nice at all. I bet Lukes lips are perfect. What? Lyra stop you love Paul. My mind is too full right now so i pulled out of the kiss and said "i have to go to the toilet"
He said "well hurry up... We have stuff to do" slapping my bum as he said it.

*Luke's pov*

I was singing 'beside you' I was looking into her eyes. She is just so beautiful. I feel my stomach turn as she looks at me but she probably doesnt feel the same. I tensed up when i saw Paul walk into the room and put his arms around her and she was still looking at me but with a beaming smile. As long as shes happy im happy. I watched them kiss and i couldnt watch it anymore so i looked away and when the song finished we all decided to take a break.

I watched him slap her ass and i couldnt help but cringe. How can she deal with him treating her like shit? I needed the toilet so i headed upstairs only to be stopped by Jade "have you seen Ashton?"
"Well he was just on stage with me and i think he was going to get a drink?"
"Thanks" she said whilst walking down the stairs.
I went into my bedroom to see a couple making out on my bed
"Can you get out please this is my room," Well then at least it wasnt as rude as in mean girls. I saw my journal lying on the floor. I hope no one read it; i put it back where it came from.
I walked into the bathroom and there was Lyra crying on the floor. I didnt know what to say.

*Lyra's pov

I walked into several rooms but there was people in every one even in the bathroom. So, i went to the room on the end which had no one in it and luckily it had a bathroom. I looked around the bedroom and it looked like Lukes room. There was pictures of him with his family and as a child. They made me smile because he is a natural person whos room isn't fake because hes not scared to show pictures of his childhood. It was a little bit messy but my room is usually messier than that it had band posters on the wall and guitars in the corner.

I was looking through his books on his bookshelves when i saw the fault in our stars so i reached up and grabbed it but when i did another book fell down which was obviously sat ontop of it. It was a journal haha he is a boy and he has a journal! I went to the most recenyt page and it said:

I hate that Paul is treadting Lyra like shit.

Well you havent excactly been treating me right..

I cant stand watching them kiss I know what hes going to do to her. I just hope he doesnt get her pregnant...

I ran too the bathroom and tears were covering my face my mascara running down my face. I knew i should have wore waterproof make up. A few minutes passed before I heard someone walk into the bathroom. I turned around and Luke was there, i didnt want him to see me like this so i covered my face with a big cloth. He pulled it away and said "Im not going to hurt you"
"Oh are you sure you dont want to call me bitch again" i say between sobs.
"Go away!" I slap him whilst saying.
"I was joking calm down" he says giggling
"Dont you dare act all sweet and innocent now Hemmings"
"Ooooo calling me Hemmings now"
"Seriously just leave"
"Im not going to leave until you tell me whats going on"
"Nothing" i reply
"Ohh come on a girl doesnt just cry on the floor with a cloth covering there face for no reason."
"Okay well i was looking through your books and saw the fault in our stars. So i took it out and something fell on the floor and it was your journal.... so uh i read one page" when i said this Luke laughed and said
"Looks like the shoe's on the other foot now Cummings"
"Im so sorry"
"Yeah and so you should be you should never read a boys journal" he said in a girls way acting like he was really affected by it.
"So you dont mind?"
"As long as you tell me which part you read then no im not bothered."
"I read the part where it said that you were annoyed that i would get pregnant from Paul and you said he was gonna do summit to me and that you couldnt lose me"
"Ohh...ok...haha thats akward. Well i best get back to performing see ya soon? You also might want to clean up your make up if you want to impress Paul" he said Paul as if it was hard to say.

-later on-

*Pauls pov*

Im not going after that Lyra girl i dont care what she does. There are plenty of sexy ladies in here i can choose and that one over there looks like a great one night stand. I do this every night and Lyra doesnt even know it!

I would dump her but seen as she has that thing growing inside of her i guess i cant. I've done this to many girls before and i really dont care about them cos as long as they feel nice i dont care.

Luke best not get in the way and tell her what i do to people because i hate Luke and i wouldnt want to lose that bitch to Luke. Luke would treat her right which i dont like because boys should always be the boss.

Lets get this girl over here into bed

*Lyra's pov*

Were's Paul? I have been looking for him for hours. 5 seconds of summer were better live than i imagined! I was dancing with the girls and to be honest i totally forgot about Paul!

We didnt care what we looked like and everyone was giving us funny looks but we arent the type of people to be bothered!
"Thanks guys we were 5 seconds of summer and this is our last song called 'Good girls'"
Me and Jade went crazy because this is one of our favourite songs by them. We were busting out moves until we realised the song had finished and everyone left the dance floor. Luke looked at me with that type of look to say 'really?' So i just blushed and strolled off the dancefloor casually as Jade ran up to Ashton.

*Lukes pov*

Lyra is so cute because she cant dance and Jade was just trying to copy off her but it wasnt working; Lyra stood out like a saw thumb.

We finished our last song and everyone fled the dancefloor but Jade and Lyra were in such a world of there own they just carried on dancing intil Lyra noticed me staring at her and she blushed. How adorable. Jade ran up to Ashton. Can they stop being a perfect couple please? I want a relationship like that with Lyra.

My phone was about to die so i ran upstairs to outside my room and heard someone having sex. IN MY BED. I need to find out who this idiot is. i slowly crept in and they didnt notice but it was PAUL.

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