Im frederick

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*Lyras pov*

To be honest i dont care how i look when i open my door these strawberries are nice. I opened it and the person at the door looks strangely alot like Luke. It probably isnt hes wearing a pizza uniform and he had a lip piercing. He asked me if i ordered pizza and i said no whilst laughing he laughs too. Now that laugh can never be missed; its Lukes.
"Im Frederick"
"Im lyra" i said.
We stood there in awkwardness until he said
"Do you want to go out sometime?"
"Yes please... I would love too....come in" I told him
"Okay" he replied
"I will be one minute" i said. I ran into my bedroom and grabbed my phone and rang Luke. It was ringing and i heard it somewhere in my house so i walked towards the noise until i saw 'Frederick' holding his phone towards me smiling widely.
"Luke!" I screamed whilst running and wrapping my legs around his torso. Which may i add was very hard considering the baby
"Ive missed you so much.... did i say that outloud?" I said
Luke chuckled whilst saying "yes you did say that outloud."
"Luke! Do you realise how worried everyone was! You cannot do that again okay? I was going crazy! Your mum sent out letters to everyone in the neighbourhood and your band isnt as good without you!" I said unwrapping my legs and hitting him
"Okay im sorry! Its been hard for me too!" Luke said
"Okay okay Luke.... I like your piercing.. it matches mine" i say whilst flicking it. I never realised how much i missed this boy.
"That was the whole point! I did it so that i could remember you from far away.. Did i say that outloud?" He said
"Yes Hemmings Yes you did."
For the rest of the night we chilled on the sofa watching mean girls and then most of the How I Met Your Mother's in series one. I like having Luke as a friend. After that finished he decided that we were watching a horror movie. I hate them and so does he but he just wanted a laugh. I kept and jumping and nuzzling my head into his under arm.I was lay next to him with the back of my head in his shoulder and i was just about to fall asleep when there was a knock at the door.
I let Luke go to the door because i couldnt be bothered i used the 'i have a baby' excuse. He opened the door and closed it but i didnt hear anybody talk to him or anything so i thought he got me pizza. It was just getting to a scary bit at the movie.

"Boo!" Everyone jumped out from behind and made me screech at the top of my lungs and i ran into Lukes arms because he was stood infront of me.
"Oh my god guys, you startled me"
"Since when did you use words like startled?" luke asked.
I just looked up and bopped his nose whilst saying "since now"

*Lukes pov*
I want to stay in her warm embrace forever. I want to be more than friends but i dont think she does. We all talked for a while until Calum said "lets all play truth or dare"
(A/n i know you truth or dare or twenty questions is cliché but i really dont care)

"Okay" everyone agreed.
"whos going first?" I asked
"I will! Georgia, truth or dare?" Mikey said.
"Dare" she replied
"I dare you to kiss Calum" she leaned over to Calum and them two started to have a heated make out session. I guessing it wasnt there first time doing so.

*Lyras pov*

The only two people who havent done anything are me and Luke. Great. By now Calum and Georgia had stopped making out and Jade had swapped t shirts with Ashton and Katie was still sitting on Michaels lap.

"Lyra, truth or dare?" Georgia asked
"Oh why not lets go for dare"
"I dare you to stay handcuffed to Luke until tomorrow morning" Georgia said mishchieveously.
"But then i would have to stay in the same bed as him"
"Errr would you rather down a pint of beer or sleep next to Luke for one night?" Georgia said. I hate beer and anyway Luke isnt that bad.
"Luke..." i said. She came back in the room with a pair of handcuffs.

"Why do you have handcuffs?" I ask
"I was a police officer once for a fancy dress party"
"Ohh ok" i replied. She handcuffed our wrists together so i had to stay close to Luke.

Now everyone was saying truth and i found out that Georgia is now Calums girlfriend (dont ask how that happened), Katie likes Michael and If Jade could go out with one celebrity it would be Ashton. (I know he isnt a celebrity but she still chose him).

So basically everyone is going out except me and Luke. Thats how it should be. I picked truth and Calum said "have you had any previous boyfriends before Paul?"
Thats when the tears started to pour and i ran to the bathroom having to drag Luke with me. Great.
"No i cant you guys just arggh" she didnt undo it so i just carried on going to the bathroom. The funny thing is Luke didnt try and pull back. I wanted to get the knife out but i cant because Lukes there. Oh well. He will understand i think? I got into the bathroom and got the knife out.
"Wow Lyra what are you doing?" He asked tearing up.

(A/n ignore the reason that its in italics for the last part my phone decided to be all messef up)

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