Should i go back?

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*Lyras pov*

I cried for a long time after she said that. I just couldn't calm down. I can't go back to my friends. They wouldn't accept me.
"Will I lose hair?" I say between sobs
"No you will only lose small clumps because that isn't what brain tumours do"

We had a long conversation about the side effects and I decided to leave a few hours later. I had no where to go so I just lay on a bench in the park and fell asleep. Hopefully Paul won't find me.

The birds chirping in the trees woke me up and I just sat on the bench with nothing to do. A few hours late I decided to earn some money by singing so I put my beanie of the floor and started to sing The Strokes Someday.

A few songs later and there was a big crowd with about 25 people in putting money in the hat.

*Georgias pov*

"Do you want to go out for breakfast?" Calum asked shaking me from my slumber
"It's too early......." I moaned "why do you want to go for breakfast?"
"because I feel like we have spent too much time waiting for Luke to come down that we forgot about eachothers lives and I'm sorry"
"Calum it's fine, honestly" I say
"No it's not"
"Ohh Calum your so cute when your angry" I said whilst pulling him close and passionately kissing him.

I finished getting dressed and we walked through the park to the local diner. I saw a crowd of people and I thought it was a fight so I ran up to it so that I didn't miss it. I dragged Calum with me.

When I got closer to the crowd I heard a familiar voice singing. Lyra? Is that Lyras voice? No it can't be. I shoved past the crowd and there stood Lyra. She was Singing and she looked happy even though I knew she was hiding something inside of her. She was looking in the opposite direction so I went for it


*Lyras pov*

I was singing and I heard my name being yelled from behind me. I turned around and there stood Georgia; she smiled widely and ran into my arms. It felt like we hugged for hours but it was just a few minutes. The crowd faded away when they realised I wasn't going to be singing anymore.

"Come home with us!" Georgia said cheerfully
"I cant. Hows Noah?"
"Why? He's great but he's missing his mum" Calum asked
"Because Luke said he would rescue me; and failed." that wasn't the full reason but I couldn't break it to them yet.

"Are you being serious? He tried and tried and guess what Lyra! He has really bad depression and he hasn't came out of his room since you left. stop only thinking about yourself" Georgia said. It really hurt but I deserved it. The reason I didn't want to come home wasnt because Luke didn't rescue me, it was because of my brain tumor.

I just took it with my head held high and said "fine I'm not coming home then"
"Fine" Georgia said
"Fine" I replied.

I was walking off when Calum grabbed my arm. "Georgia didn't mean it it's just she feels sorry for Luke"
"Calum I need to tell you something"

"The reason I didn't come home wasnt because of Luke it was because I have...." I took a deep breath "I have a brain Tumor.. " I burst out into tears
"OMG I'm so sorry and Georgia owes you a big apology" Calum
"No! Do not tell anyone! I want to keep it private and I tell them in my own time! If Georgia chooses to hate me then ohh well" I said still crying

On the way home he came up with the idea of not telling anyone I'm home and then I can surprise Luke before anyone else. He is going to put me up in a box and wrap me up so that Luke can open it.

We called in at the local shops so that we could buy a big box (seen as I'm a tall person anyway) and some wrapping paper.

We got home and I stuck through the back of the house whilst Calum came through the front. The plan was for me to go straight into his bedroom but of course it didn't work because I bumped into Katie on the way up

"Lyra? How long have you been here?" She said loudly
"Katie sshhh! Not long I literally just came through the back door so then I could surprise Luke. Calum's going to wrap me up in a box so I can pretend to be a present. I will tell you the whole story later if you want to know" I whispered.
"Of course I want to know! And I have missed you so much!" She hugged me and walked off
"Don't tell anyone I'm here. Do you here that? ANYONE"
"Okay" she replied

Calum put me in the box and i was cramped up for a long time
"Calum how long does it take!"
"Apparently a long time seen as i dont know how to wrap stuff up"
"ERRRRGGHHH can you at least put some music on please?" I asked
"Okay" he replied

I listened to music for about ten minutes until he was finally done.
"Can you lift me? I'm really heavy and fat"
"Your easy" Calum replied and lifted me up with no effort.

"Luke I got you a present" Calum said
"Go away. Unless if the present is Lyra then leave me alone" he said with no energy. Wow he really has changed.
"Luke I will leave it here and open it when you want."

Oh so this will take a long time. I was in there for about 10 minutes and surprisingly Luke opened it. Okay Lyra breathe.. Breathe I could here him slowly and painfully ripping the wrapping paper off the box.

"This best not be a joke" he said to himself
I couldn't think straight. What if he doesn't want to see me again. Stop it with the 'what ifs' Lyra just go with the flow.

He pulled the lid off
"Surprise!" I yelled. He stood there shocked and a single tear rolled down his cheek. That just started a tidal wave. His tears poured out and he hugged me and said
"Lyra I am never letting go you don't understand how much I have missed not having you in my life. It's been hell" he said. He looked like hell too. his cheeks were a purple colour and you could clearly see his bones and rings under his eyes.

"I can't believe you noticed I wasnt here!"

"Lyra I hate it when you think negative. You are the most amazing girl ever and I am not letting you out of this hug. Do you realise the rollercoaster I have been on with you? You are one of the most different girls I have ever met. Do you promise never to leave my side?"
"I promise" I replied; the only thing was I couldn't promise I will be there forever.

The Promise // Luke Hemmings fanficWhere stories live. Discover now