26. Papillon

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The wind grazed over her in flashes, some warm and some cool. Jakob's strong arms beneath her felt numb to the touch. Just pressure, no texture to it. A flavorless feeling, that radiated through her body. Until it hit the sand.

"Papillon."The word rang and repeated in her head. 

"Papillon."It transcended hearing and became an emotion. Beckoning her to open her eyes.

"Papillon" She heard again before she gazed upon a blurry image of her father. 

Tall, toned beyond any reason. He wore his favorite red hunting shirt, and his long black hair tied back in a billowing ponytail.

"Papa?" She called and reached out to him. 

"Little Papillon." He called her by the nickname he'd given her as a child. The one simple French word meant the sun, moon and stars to her. Just as quickly as he appeared, he vanished with the sand in the wind.

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