07. New World

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"I think not" Sandra shouted, more so at the tall man then Vanessa herself.

"Who would you have me go with?" Vanessa shot back. "Junior?"

"Anyone is better then this" said Sandra, motioning to Derek. "Do you know this man?"

"I do" said Vanessa, even though she really didn't. "He's also not a man. He is but a year older than I"

"I am still here" said Derek, thought no one cared.

"Where are we going?" asked Gaston Jr. stumbling out from the shack.

"Nowhere" Sandra said, turning to her brother-in-law. Vanessa could tell she was at her wit's end.

"I'm going" Vanessa stated. "Where is father? Its time I said goodbye"

"Vanessa" Sandra's voice grew sympathetic then.

"Sandra" Vanessa's voice grew annoyed.

"Your father is dead" Sandra said, not breaking her eye contact.

Vanessa said no more after that, and neither did Sandra, for awhile anyway.

"Vanessa" it was Derek this time, to say her name.

"No" said Sandra, brushing past Vanessa. "You say nothing. Do you understand?"

She hit him then. His cheek grew red with the impression of her hand.

With that, Vanessa turned and stepped into the horse-drawn cab.

"For the sake of Jesus Christ" Sandra yelled, kissing the cross that hung from her neck. "Kaleb, go with her. Will you?"

Kaleb said nothing, only nodded and followed his sister.

"Connor will be here when you get back" she said, approaching the cab. "I can't imagine you'll be gone long"

"I'll take care of her" Kaleb promised.

"I know you will" Sandra said. "That's why I told you, and not Joshua or Junior"

"Joshua would" Kaleb said. "But I understand"

"And you" she said, turning to Derek. "I don't know who you are, and I don't care. But if anything happens to my Vanessa, it'll be your testicles that will have to answer for it"

Derek nodded, squeezing past Sandra, he got in the cab.

Vanessa said nothing, the whole ride. Derek minded the reins, directing the horses.

Keleb sat with Vanessa, in his arms.

"How is she?" Derek asked, when the horse's clapping hooves allowed.

"Never you mind" Kaleb shot back at him. "Mind the horses"

"They are tired, and need water" he said, stepping to the ground. "Perhaps it would do us all some good, to stretch our legs"

Kaleb checked with his sister, who preferred to remain in the cab. Derek fetched water from the stream.

"I think I might fetch our water" said Kaleb. "Only the lord and Sandra know's what he'd do to it"

He left her then, just as Derek made his way back up the path. Kaleb had muttered something or another to him, but Vanessa didn't hear.

"What can I do?" Derek asked, placing the water before the horses.

"Just that much" she said, finally. "You've done enough then"

"She speaks" said Derek, sarcastically. That made her mouth crack a smile.

Kaleb returned then, bringing a wooden bucket. Water spilt over the sides, staining the color. Cupping her hands, Vanessa took a generous amount of water. The front of her blouse became damp and somewhat transparent.

"Has she anything else?" Asked Derek, taking notice of Vanessa's breasts showing through the wet material.

"Perhaps you avert your eyes?" Kaleb shot back. "She is a lady. Or have you forgotten?"

The argument had continued, but Vanessa had just tuned them out.

The night came faster than expected, Vanessa and Kaleb slept about the benches inside the cab. Derek opted to sleep outside with a blanket or two. Kaleb didn't oppose.

The wind was cold, even from within the cab. Vanessa shivered, while her brother slept fine. Cuddling his pillow, he must have missed Connor.

Looking out the window, Vanessa inspected the land for Derek. There he was, just as she thought. Laying on his two blankets, he seemed to wait for the morning. Vanessa stepped down from the cab, careful to no wake her brother. The door closed with a click, and she made her way over to Derek.

"What are you doing?" He asked, before she could take one step.

"I wanted to see you" she answered

"Why?" He asked, still not looking at her.

"I don't know" she answered, honestly. "Do you mind?"

He shook his head at her, so she set up her blanket next to his.

"What are you doing?" She asked, settling next to him.

"Waiting" he answered.

"For morning?" She asked.

"Well, what with the comfortable ground" he said, again sarcastically.

"I never did get a chance to thank you" she said, placing a hand about his chest.

"For what?" He asked. Vanessa couldn't tell if this was sarcasm.

"Visiting me, when Frollo struck me" Vanessa answered. "And for now"

"You're welcome" he said, simply.

Not knowing what to do next, she kissed his chest where her hand had been. Derek's muscles bulged through his thin shirt, as she ran her fingertips over them. Before she got too close, he held her hand up to his lips. Derek's chocolate chip cookie eyes beat down on her, they seemed to sing to her. Lulling Vanessa into a sense of calmness.

"Is it okay?" She asked. "To love you, I mean"

"Love is a very powerful thing" he said. "One oughtent, if one wishes to keep their sanity"

"You are such an expert?" She asked, pulling at his collar.

"Is anyone?" He asked, more so to the world around them.

"My father" she offered.

That made him laugh, louder than she'd expected.

"Perhaps not" she said, correcting herself. "However, I believe that I might"

"You might, what?" He asked.

She paused before spilling.

"Nothing" she said fast. "I might, nothing. Forget it"

"Vanessa" he said, softly. "No, not me. Never me"

"Is that what you wish?" She asked, pulling her fingers back.

"It is" he said, somewhat hurt by his own words. "Is that what you wish?"

"I wish alot of things" She answered, honestly.

"It is nice to wish for things" he went on. "But not that, never that. Especially not with me."

"Why is that?" She asked, not looking up.

"Because" he said, gripping her hand hard, which did make her look up. "Love is nothing but an open door for pain. And I'd never forgive myself, if I did anything to hurt you"

"Maybe I want you to hurt me" she said, without thinking.

"You're a child" he laughed. "And have no idea what you're asking.

Vanessa didn't say anything after that. And before too long, Derek was asleep. She laid there awake for a time, before falling asleep there in his arms.

Vanessa [A Poor Unfortunate Soul]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin