Chapter 6

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The weekend comes and the trip to hogsmade is here. You get up and shower then change into some black tights and boots with a red knitted sweater and a grey infinity scarf with a grey beanie. You get your pocket book and head to the dining hall to meet up with your friends. You see Tonks in jeans, a hufflepuff jacket and black snow boots, "Tonks you ready for hogsmade?" Tonk waves at you, "of course can't wait to go the the prank shop and get some nick nacks." You chuckle, "and to get dresses Tonks" Tonk chuckles, "yup we need a dress that'll wow Charlie." You blush a bit and nod, "yup now let's go met everyone in the courtyard."
You and Tonks head to the courtyard to see Charlie and Bill wearing their winter jackets and boots. Tonk waves and yells at the red heads, "yo weasleys!" They look at us and wave back we head to them, Tonks chuckles, "you boys ready for a fun day at hogs made?" Bill chuckles and whispers something into Tonks ear and Tonks nods, "soooo y/n bill and I were thinkingggggg Charlie can help you pick your dress out." You and Charlie blush and you speak up, "w-what? B-but tonks!" Tonk laughs, "see ya later y/n!" Tonks and bill run away from you and Charlie as Bill screams out, "have fun you two!" You blush and you look at Charlie, "a-are you ok with this?" Charlie chuckles and scratches the back of his head, "sure we get to spend more time together since I did wanna hang out with you today." You blush a bit, "alright let's go then." Charlie holds his hand out, "come on then." You grab his hand as he pulls you to hogsmade with the rest of the group.
When we get to hogsmade Charlie looks at you, "so what was this about getting you a dress?" You sigh a bit, "well Tonks was suppose to help me pick out a dress for the Yule ball but she ran off with Bill." Charlie chuckles, "come on I'll help you pick one." He brings you to a dress shop, you look at him, "are you sure Charlie? You don't seem to be a shopping person." Charlie chuckles, "before Percy was born mum made me go shopping with her all the time I hated it at first but we bonded a lot." You giggle a bit, "alright let's go." You and Charlie go into the dress shop and there were a lot of tailoring things floating around doing their job. There were a couple of students in the shop as well getting their dresses but you needed to focus on getting yourself a dress. You and Charlie look through the wracks of dresses, some were too plain some were too expensive. You find three dresses that seem to fit you and your style. You go to Charlie with the three dresses, "I found these three shall I try them on?" Charlie looks at them smiling, "of course and then I can judge the dresses on you." You nod and go into the dressing room at Charlie waits for you outside. 
You put on the first dress, a red and silver ball dress that wasn't too fancy but still has some glimmer to it

You walk out of the dressing room to show Charlie, "how's this one?" He looks at you and blushes, "w-wow you look amazing

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

You walk out of the dressing room to show Charlie, "how's this one?" He looks at you and blushes, "w-wow you look amazing." You look in the mirror and spin around in the dress, "well let's see the other two on me first." Charlie nods and sits back in his seat, "I'll be here." 
You go back in the changing room and put on the second dress it was a two piece dress that was blue with silver gems.

You walk out to Charlie, "how's this one?" He looks up at you and smiles "you still look amazing y/n

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

You walk out to Charlie, "how's this one?" He looks up at you and smiles "you still look amazing y/n." You giggle a bit, "I have to choose one Charlie." Charlie chuckles, "I know well let's see the last one then I'll decide." You nod and go back in the dressing room.
You put on a pastel pink dress with a gold sparkling design on it.

You go out and show Charlie, as he chuckles at you, "you still just look amazing y/n

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

You go out and show Charlie, as he chuckles at you, "you still just look amazing y/n." You smile and blush a little, "which one should I choose Charlie?" Charlie thinks about it, "maybe not the blue one because I don't really fancy the two piece that much. Hmmmmmm how about the red one, since I am a gryffindor." You giggle a bit, "ok red it is then." You go back into the changing room and put your clothes back on. You walk out with the red dress in your hand, "thank you Charlie it will look better with my makeup and hair done hopefully" Charlie chuckles, "you look beautiful either way." Charlie realizes what's he says and blushes, "a-anyways let's go pay for the dress." You blush a bit when Charlie calls you beautiful then you head to the counter and pay for the dress, the dress will be dropped off by an owl in a couple days according to the tailor.
You and Charlie step out of the dress shop into the cold streets of hogsmade. Now what?

My Weasley (Charlie Weasley x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang