Chapter 30

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Blaine flew back to Lima to get the rest of his and Tracy's possessions there, after triple-checking with Kurt that he was okay with looking after her. Every time he laughed and said "As long as you're alright with the paparazzi seeing her."

They both knew it was inevitable, so they weren't hiding her. They'd told her not to tell things to people with cameras– and Kurt jokingly added that if they kept asking her things, she should say 'no comment,' which she seemed to have taken seriously.

"What are we gonna do?" she asked as they headed downtown.

"We are going to get pizza, and then I'm going to show you where I work," he told her.

"I like pizza!"

"You're about to have the best pizza ever."

When they walked into the shop, the owner immediately recognized Kurt. He was there a lot. "Mr. Hummel, my favorite guest! And who's this?"

"I'm Tracy!" she said, waving to him. "I like pizza and Kurt says I'm gonna have the best pizza ever!"

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Tracy. What kind of pizza do you want?"

She tried to look at the different pizzas, but she was too short. Kurt laughed, picking her up.

"What're the green thingys?" she asked, pointing to the Margherita one.


She wrinkled her nose. "Is there one with just cheese?"

"Yep." Kurt pointed to it.

She lit up. "Yes! Cheese, please!"

He chuckled, ordering his own pizza.

"To go?" the man asked.

Kurt shook his head. "I think we'll be eating in here today."

He raised an eyebrow, ringing up the order. "That's certainly unusual for you, Mr. Hummel. Would you like something to drink?"

"Water would be nice. Trace, do you want something to drink?"

"Lemonade?" she asked hopefully.

"We have lemonade," the man said, and she cheered.

They got their food and drinks, sitting down together.

"It's bigger than my face!" she said excitedly.

"That's why you fold it. Here, let me show you." Kurt helped her fold the giant pizza slice in half, and once she was holding it, he took out his phone. "Alright, I have to video this for your papa."

He did, and she took a bite of it, eyes immediately going wide. "This is the best pizza ever!" she yelled, devouring it.

Kurt laughed, ending the video and eating his own pizza slice. He hadn't had New York pizza in a while.

A few people who came into the shop saw him and asked for a picture, or autograph, and he had planned to decline, but he just couldn't. He didn't do autographs, but he did pictures. He figured, as long as he was already there and they weren't slowing him down, it was harmless. He just wanted to focus on Tracy.

"Why'd everyone wanna take a picture with you?" she asked as they left.

"I make clothes," he explained, "so a lot of people know who I am, and they want proof they met me. It's kinda silly."

"Is that why you're so pretty?"

He laughed. "You're sweet. I– Oh, no."

"What is it?"

He quickly averted his eyes from the group of people. "Tracy, you know what I told you about the people with cameras? The paparazzi?" She nodded. "They found us, so they're going to want to talk to us. But you remember what we do?"

"We don't talk to them."

"Good girl." He secured his grip on her hand, not wanting to lose her, and walked faster.

"Mr. Hummel! Mr. Hummel!" he heard voices begin to shout.

"You're going too fast," she said. Kurt paused and picked her up, setting her on his hip, and continued to walk. She curiously looked back at the paparazzi. "Kurt, they're following us!"

One of them took a photo with flash, and she blocked her eyes.

"Pretend they aren't there," he told her, speeding up. But they were catching up to them.

He pointed to the building ahead. "You see that building, Tracy? I work there. We're almost there."

She nodded, looking scared.

But then a woman cut in front of them, making them stop. Tracy squealed, burying her face in Kurt's chest.

Kurt wrapped his other arm around her, pulling her closer. He looked around himself, but they were trapped.

They were all asking overlapping questions, and he snapped. Tracy was whimpering, shaking against him, and he couldn't handle it.

"BE QUIET!" he yelled. They all stopped, looking at him. He knew cameras were rolling. "You know, I'm appalled. You chase me, yeah, that's fine, I'm an adult. She's a kid. Do you really have no decency? She's too young for all this, too young to be harassed her whole life. Harass me, that's fine, but leave her alone." He turned to the people blocking his way. "Now, may I please get to where I'm going?"

They slowly moved, stunned. Kurt had never said a rude word against anyone in public. He was sweet, and soft-spoken, and always patient.

He walked past them and to his building, not looking back.

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