Chapter 12

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It seemed Kurt couldn't catch a break.

Glee club had gone fine the next day until the end, when Kurt heard a voice that for years he'd only heard in his nightmares.

"Hey, Max. I thought I'd come in to pick you up."

"Kurt, are you okay?" Blaine asked quietly, seeing Kurt squeeze his eyes shut.

Kurt shook his head softly. "I guess I should have known he'd come in. I just hoped he wouldn't," he whispered. "Please, don't let me be alone with him."

"Kurt Hummel, is it really you? I didn't think you'd ever come back to Lima."

He turned around, faking a welcoming smile. "Dave. How are things going?"

"Oh, pretty good, pretty good," he said. "How about you?"

Kurt wished Mr. Schue hadn't left. "I've been well. I have to say, I was surprised that you had a son in glee club."

They both knew Kurt meant he was surprised that Karofsky had a son, period.

"Yeah... I don't have a wife, though, it's just me and Max. His mother unfortunately passed a long time ago."

"Oh. I'm sorry for your loss," Kurt said. It'd be genuine but Kurt knew that Karofsky didn't give a shit about Max's mother.

"You should come over for dinner some time."

Kurt was really glad they weren't alone, although the glee club was slowly leaving. "Oh, I'd love to, but I'm afraid my schedule is a rather full. I'm not going to be in Lima forever and I've already got so many people to catch up with."

"Well, tell me if your schedule changes."

He knew what Karofsky was trying to do. He had told Max to wait outside or in the car and was waiting until everyone left. It was just them and Blaine.

"So, what are you doing in Lima?"

"Oh, helping out with the glee club, meeting up with some old friends."

"Blaine, can you help me with something for a minute?" William called from someplace else.

Kurt's heart beat faster.

"I'm working on finishing this up, it might take a bit," Blaine responded.

Frustration flickered through Karofsky's expression, but Kurt was relieved.

William walked back into the room. "What do you mean, you're–" he paused.

"I'll see you around, Hummel. I got to get Max home," Karofsky said, beginning to leave.

Kurt nodded, watching as he walked out the door and shut it behind him. He sighed, collapsing in a chair. "Blaine Anderson, I could kiss you."

Blaine was glad his back was to Kurt, cheeks getting rosy. "As if I would have left you alone with him anyway."

"Thank you," William added. "I didn't even know he was here, I'd rather not find out what would have happened if you'd left Kurt alone with him. But now can you help me with something?"

They all laughed, Blaine going to help him with it.

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