Chapter 18

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"Sir, you're covered in blood and bleeding. Please let us clean you up."

Kurt kept brushing off doctors, not leaving Tracy's side as they waited to see if Blaine would be alright. He had cut himself a lot deeper than he thought, holding the finger in his other hand and squeezing it, though it didn't stop bleeding.

"Sir, please, you need stitches. You can take your daughter with you."

"She's not my daughter," was all he managed to say.

Tracy pulled at his sleeve. "Please let them help you, Mr. Kurt."

The look in her eyes was all he needed, finally letting them clean the blood off him and stitch up and bandage his finger.

"Mr. Hummel?" a doctor popped into the room as they were finishing.

"Yes?" he asked immediately.

"He's alright, all stitched up and will be waking shortly. Thanks to your quick thinking, he didn't lose too much blood. You may see him now."

He was immediately up, following the doctor to Blaine's room. When they got there, Blaine had already woken up, looking disorientated.

"Papa!" Tracy ran over to him, hugging him gently, careful of his arm.

He smiled, kissing her forehead. "Hey, sweetheart. What ha–" He'd turned to the doorway to talk to the nurse he'd thought was there, but was shocked when he saw Kurt.

"You didn't wake up so Mr. Kurt helped," she told him.

Kurt walked over, sitting on the edge of Blaine's bed. "I'm so glad you're okay," he whispered. "I was so scared. I was in the park, Tracy found me and told me you were hurt. She took me to you, I..." he shook his head, looking at the ground. "I thought you were dead."

He swallowed. "Kurt, I– you– you have to let me explain myself."

"You don't have to explain yourself, Blaine."

"I do," he said desperately. "I– I wasn't trying to do–" he glanced at his daughter– "do you-know-what, I swear, I wouldn't do that, it was an ac–"

"Blaine, stop it!" Kurt burst out, looking at him. "I care about you! You don't have to defend or justify yourself to me. I am worried about you. I don't want you to lie to me, or feel like I'm going to think less of you for anything you tell me. I already knew."

He shut his mouth, beginning to cry. "You're right. You're right, I don't. I always forget that he isn't the standard. That you're sweet, and soft, and I can talk to you about anything."

Kurt reached forwards, taking Blaine's hand. He didn't have an explanation other than that he just wanted to hold his hand.

Blaine smiled, squeezing his hand.

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