Chapter 11

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"Papa? What are you doing?" Tracy sat next to her father on the couch.

"What do you think about Kurt, Trace?"

She smiled, resting her head on Blaine's shoulder. "I like him. He's nice, and he talks to me like he talks to you, not con- cond–" she scrunched her nose.

"Condescendingly?" Blaine supplied.

"Yeah, condescendingly." She was quiet for a minute. "When that boy upset him, he didn't get mad. He didn't yell. Do you think he left so he didn't get mad?"

He wrapped an arm around her. "I think he left because he was sad and he needed to cry but didn't want anyone to know."

"Why not, Papa? Boys can cry."

"Do you remember how I told you that not everyone likes people like me and Kurt, because we're boys who like boys?" She nodded. "I think people hurt him with their hate, and he's afraid now."

"Can we help him?"

Blaine smiled, kissing her forehead. "We're definitely going to try."

They were quiet for a few minutes.

"Do you love him, Papa?" she asked.

He looked up at the ceiling, sighing dreamily. "I think I might, Trace. I think I might."

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