I wish

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Chapter 3

I lay on my bed looking up at the sealing thinking about at what just happened a few hours ago, everything was just fine until Seth ruined it with this 'big secret' that his hiding, Summer and Lucy before they left they said that I was overreacting and that maybe he is just planning something for me and he does not want to tell me, pfff right! I have known Seth must of my life or maybe even more, and I know him like my pockets he can not hide anything from me they way I cannot hide anything from him we are one soul, don't get me wrong people I do not love him like a girl loves a boy, I love him more like a brother. But what if deep down you do love him? Oh shot it would you? I do not love Seth in that way, I would never see us together it is like saying me going out my brother, okay maybe that was not a good comparison but you get what I mean right?. Yeah but we all say that at first and then we end up falling for them and cannot find a way out from this feelings that are growing every hour and every day and they start taking control of our life thoughts, moods of everything. But what can you do? Other than admit it and live those feelings?  Well I am different I do not like Seth i say trying to shot my 'good' conscience that is playing the all knowing god part.

I quickly sit up and grab my phone should I call him? Should I text him? Actually no I am not going to call that douchbag he is the one that has to apologize I did not do anything, maybe apart from kicking him out from my bedroom, oh well he deserved.

What should I do now? I glance at the clock 16.30 I did not eat yet, wait what? I haven't eaten anything yet? Food is my life I can not go a day or a minute without munching on something (Seth's fault again) I run down the stairs and find my mum sat on the sofa watching some stupid reality show (roll of eyes)

"Hey sweetie" she says with her eyes still glued on the TV

"Hey mum, what are you watching?" Something like the Kardashian or something similar.

"The Kardashian." She says as if to state the obvious, she is so sad, sorry mum I love and all that but you spend 24/7 watching them stupid reality show, she is worst on her periods lets not even get there.

"Sounds fun, how was your morning, or I would say afternoon?" I say smiling at her even though I know she can't see me, The Kardashians

"It was great I was just catching up with Millie and I can't believe she's having twins, she invited us to the baby shower want to come?" Grr just thinking about him irritates me and the so 'big secret' but I shake my head and look elsewhere as I can feel my mum's stare, so now that there is drama or I would say gossip she gives me her full attention, I see how it is mother (roll of eyes again).

"What happened? Is Seth right?" I nod but I quickly regret it as she pats the sit next to her so we can 'talk' or I would rather call it torture to try to extract all of the information which is gossip for her.

"Come on tell me everything, and don't leave out anything." And here we go I start explaining all of the situation to my mum and the more I talk about the more furious I am, how could he lie to me? And hide things? We are best friends he is meat to tell me everything! As I keep pouring my anger and frustration to my mum I can see her face going from shock to surprise back to shocked.

"Well that's what happened he has become a liar mum!" I say frustrated and I hear a loud laugh coming from my mum, I can see the tears starting to form from how much she is laughing, she is even holding her stomach. How dare is she to laugh at my problems? I poured my heart to her and she laughs at it? And then they wonder why kids don't speak to their parents.

"Oh darling, you are so overreacting and being over dramatic, he hasn't done anything or even give you an hint that he is hiding something from you, he just came back from New York this morning and you've accused him of lying of course he will feel on the spot and won't have the energy to fight you because you are a tough one just like your mum." She says and winks at me, maybe she is right and maybe I was overreacting to the all situation. I feel better now but I am still a little sceptical because I saw something in his eyes when I told him he was hiding something, but maybe I am imagining things again.

"Thanks mum." I whisper while hugging her.

"Now go and call him and apologize." She says while going back to the program she was watching and guess what is it? You've guessed right, The Kardashians.

I head to the kitchen first and make myself a sandwich and grab a cane of coke. Oh my god it feels so good to have some food in your mouth, I literally love eating it makes me feel so satisfied with myself and life, I don't know how would someone starve themselves to look thinner, I get it is big problem for kids my age but come one food is my life, it is a way for me to forget about my problems and think about me. If I didn't eat for a all day I would seriously die.

I start walking up the stairs quickly while looking at my phone in case there are any messages from him, but nothing even though mum said to text him and sort things out I don't feel like doing yet, I just need some time to reflect, right reflect about what? On how much you actually love him? No! I don't love him I just need to reflect on... Well on what to tell him!

I shot my conscience and glance at my phone one more time but nothing no texts or missed calls, I take a deep breath and I am ready to call him when I remember that I don't have his phone number, oh my god Sofia how dumb can you get? With all of this morning, wait afternoon events I forgot to ask him for his phone number. Maybe some kind of force or maybe god is trying to stop me from calling him, right some kind of force huh? You mean you are too stubborn to admit it, you were wrong and that maybe you should be the one to apologize! Oh shut up for once, I was not wrong and I shouldn't be apologizing for anything he instead should come begging for my forgiveness.

But what should I do now?

Hey guys hope you liked the new chapter, remember to vote and comment.

Hope you have an amazing holidays and you get what you want :)


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