Interlude 1: La Belle Voice

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Belle fumbled with her shirt as Jekyll continued to look over her arm. Each scar on her arms are getting inspected and written down by the doctor. After she and Jeanne had ramen for dinner the two went to sleep but unlike usual where she stayed up all night waiting for Dennis to kidnap her again it was Jeanne who stayed up all night defending the door.

It was an unusual sight for Belle since only the Ainsworth done that for her. Not that it mattered. She could be an accomplice with him and his disgusting lies, or he has no shame to convince her into stabbing her in the back? No, this is Jeanne D'Arc; the woman she read in books. The first person that she had ever drawn as a reference. Flinching again as Jekyll damped some alcohol on the first scar, Belle looked to Jeanne who is glaring at the door, obviously looking or Xuanzang is going to enter the room. Jekyll smiled kindly at the little girl but for the rest continued to bandage her arms. The silence that continued made the girl feel out of place.

This is the Medical Bay; The Medical Bay is quickly refilling its numbers, but this medical team has become a foundational core. Like the Librarians, they're seen far more as coworkers than a true social clique since they're often found spending time with others. When they are in the Medical Bay, they get along well. Jekyll is one of the many that works here together with Nightingale and Irisviel, who we were the ones to create this support unite, some helpers like Professor made this very room a very common place for Mages and servants to go.

"Miss Belle," Jekyll's voice made her turn to him as he had finished the bandages. "Your check up is done. The scars are now disinfected but there is a chance they can get infected by unknown mana particles. I'm no Caster but I will ask Paracelsus or he can make some medicine for you."

"Is this because she is an X-Homunculus?" Jeanne asked, her eyes not looking at the assassin.

"Mostly yes but at the same time no. Unlike Bonnie and Bliss her special power is very confusing to see in a very biological dynamic," Jekyll explained "You are aware what Bonnie and Bliss' special power is, right?"

"I'm well aware." Belle bites her lip knowing that the assassin is going to talk about her body. It is a disgrace!

"Then you must know they are only build out of Chemical W. Belle however has more then just one chemical in her body making her very weak. These scars can't be easily healed but if I ask Paracelsus to make a medicine that will hide the scars from the naked eye," Jekyll explained having Jeanne to nod before she turned back to the door again.

Jekyll turned to Belle. "If you want then I can give the order for your medication if you are too afraid."

Belle turned away, her blank purple eyes slightly flashing at the sudden words. "You shouldn't do that. It won't work on a defect like me."

Jeanne finally turned around to her master with a smile. "No, you're not. If you are afraid you can always do it tomorrow."

Jekyll watched, interested as the shy girl put on her cape that went around her body automatically like a cloak. Such a strange mystic code but a very handy one that almost works like a presence concealment cloak. Strange how the fabric gives such a smooth glow. Belle stood up and began to walk towards the door. Jeanne waved to the doctor who smiled.

"If you want we can go to the alchemy room if you like to have the medicine made," Jeanne suggested with a tiny smile. Her eyes sees Belle frown lightly as the two walk further in the hallways.

"Why would you help me?" Belle interrogated the Saint who only smiled.

"Is it weird for a Servant to be loyal to her Master?"

                -•===ЯΞΞΞ[ Ω ]ΞΞΞR===•-

                  Interlude I: The Frail One.

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