Chapter X

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The rooms for each Servant was identical to that of the Grand Master; which eventually got bigger by the time the island became very long fetched and needed to get a bigger make-over. Some were simply unused due to the organization's overestimation for the number of masters they may require in the future, up to a total of a hundred. Some larger servants and blood-related ones had to take residence elsewhere or get "creative" with room sizes.

The room itself was nearly empty save for a few pieces of movable furniture. The bed was very simple and came with two, fluffy pillows. Its arched rear supports matched its gently curving side guards, but the front lacked this design in favor of two sturdy legs. The sheets were all white to match the rest of the room. Polished, smooth white floors were glistened from the ceiling's illumination. The lights were shaped differently with bars on one side and pentagons on the other, both symmetrically designed for the styles. Plants were placed sporadically with only basic concern for decor.

Extra conveniences were even included in the room to make it feel less like a barracks, with the most notable being a small beverage dispenser to make hot water for tea or coffee. The intercom and drawer were adjacent to the bed, and a simple glass table with a single support was attached to the wall on the opposite side. Some empty shelves lined the wall near the door and a large, built-in display case faced its opposite. Next to the display case was a single door leading to the private bathroom which had an open glass shower, counter sink, and western toilet. Otherwise the room was, by proper definition, incredibly basic.

Jeanne still needed to find a way how to decorate her room ever since her arrival three days ago. Bonnie has told her that she can paint the walls if she wanted since the paint here can easily come off when they needed to clean. The Saint however found herself enjoying the walls with every moment, sensing the kindness that many homunculus had come here to make the bed for her.

"Let's see. What should I change first?" Jeanne pondered, smiling kindly at the thought of having paintings in her room to at least make herself. Frowning slightly at the camera in her hand to figure out which picture she should frame to put on her wall.

Jeanne frowned again at the lack of any pictures that she made through the three days. A pout came on her face before turning around to walk out. Maybe she could ask her master to make some for her or perhaps would actually have the 'My Room Lines' with her. Maybe she should force it out of her.

Sighing, Jeanne looked at her mirror to see her own reflection. Blonde hair braided by a purple ribbon, matching violet eyes half-lidded as she looked down to see her outfit; a white top with purple tie and matching skirt. Sighing again, Jeanne turned away and walked towards the door.

The white door opened to reveal Belle standing there with a book in her hands. Jeanne blinked, surprised to see her Master now around this time.

"Good morning Jeanne" Belle greeted dryly, wincing at the sudden appearance of the Saint.

"Good morning Master, what are doing so early in the morning? I'm pretty sure that Bubbles and Buttercup are still sleeping" Jeanne greeted as the doors closed behind her.

Belle looked down at her book. "I came here to give this to you. It is a book about Frans. I thought maybe I could learn more about some spots but I clearly need to know from the professionals."

Jeanne wanted to frown in disapproval but her eyes are the tiny blush on the girl's face. Thinking back to it, maybe she should just give her more chances but.....

"I can also show you. We are allowed to go on trips after all" Jeanne smiled albeit a bit hesitant.

Belle lowered the book as she stepped back. "You don't have to waste your time with that. I'm sure that the famed La Pucelle is better of going alone then going with me."

Fate/Servant Powerpuff (Part 1) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن