31. Lies and Smooth Wood

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"I would rather be caught dead than use a cane!" I hissed, crossing my arms over my chest. Johnathon sighed and rubbed the back of his neck.

"This will help you get around by yourself until your leg is fully healed. Put your ego aside." Nick added, showing me the cane. It was made out of a branch that fell off of mom's tree during a storm when I was gone. They had taken off the bark and revealed the smooth wood.

"I have about 5 canes that just so happen to move and talk. I'm fine not using a cane. Plus, I can walk just fine!" I insisted. John and Nick gave me disbelieving looks. Then Nick scoffed and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Really?" I nodded. "Walk to me." Nick challenged. I bit the inside of my cheek and sighed. "Fine." I snapped. I pushed myself to the edge of the bed and took a deep breath.

I pushed myself off the bed and stood on my good leg. I turned towards them and took a step forward. I put the weight on my bad leg and it caved. John caught me before I hit the ground. He set me back on my bed and smirked at me.

"Fine. You win. Give me the damn cane." I caved, holding out my hand to Nick. He handed me the cane and I felt it's smoothness. They did a good job making it.

"The doctor told you guys the news, huh?" I mumbled, running my hand up and down the cane. The boys nodded. "Everyone else knows?" They shook their heads. I sighed and wiped away a tear, thinking about the doctor's visit this morning.

"Your Highness. I have some bad news." He said to me, walking into my office. I gave him a confused and worried look.

"Okay?" I replied hesitantly. He sat down in the chair in front of my desk with a sigh.

"When you were with Mark, did he break that leg multiple times?" He asked. I nodded. "You see, your leg had tried to heal itself, but it started to heal the wrong way. When it started to heal, he broke it again. Causing it to try and heal in an even more worse way than before."

"When he did that final break, the day your brothers brought you back, there was no way for me to make it heal the right way. Your leg is basically healing the wrong way." He explained.

"What does that mean for my walking?" I asked. He gave me a pitiful look. That can't be good. He knows I hate that look.

"You'll need assistance to walk for the rest of your life. I'm so sorry, highness. There's no way for me to fix it. I've read all the books I could. I could try to"

"No, it's fine, Doctor. Really. You've done all you could and I appreciate it. I can adapt. Thank you for telling me." I interrupted. The doctor gave me a sad smile and got up, heading to the door. He closed the door and I wiped away a tear that had escaped from my eye.

"I'll have to get used to it." I said, somewhat resolved. I stood up and put my cane on the ground. I started to walk around my room, leaning on the cane for support. I stopped by Nick and John and sighed, moving my weight onto my good leg.

"I hate to admit it, but this is easier." I admitted. The boys laughed. I grabbed my money and my knife out of my drawer. I put them into my pocket and staggered to the door. The boys smirked at me and I slapped both of them on the back of the heads.


"Let's get our investigation going!" I exclaimed, walking over to Buttercup. Alex walked over to me and waited by my side as I pet Buttercup's nose.

"Would you like some assistance getting on your horse?" Alex whispered in my ear. I shivered and nodded silently. Alex smirked and I simply sighed. Alex walked over to the side of my horse and helped me up. He put my cane in the storage compartment and winked at me before going over to his horse.

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