9. It's in The Constitution.

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"Oh my GOD, he's such a romantic... I wonder what he's like behind closed doors..." Katherine said, sighing. I blushed and laughed, shaking my head. I had told her every detail about my encounter with Alexander, just like she requested.

"It's a genuine question! You'll need to inform me in a couple weeks." Katherine joked, winking at me. My jaw went slack.

"I'm not telling you that information!" I exclaimed, nervously giggling.

"Oh come on, you're my best friend. It's required. By law."

"By which law?"

"The Constitution of Best Friends, article three, paragraph seven, line four. Both friends are required to tell the other everything about their life. No matter how gross and juicy the information may be."

"Where is this Constitution?"

"All of the copies have been stolen. I was lucky enough to memorize it before the descendants of the writers stole it from me. But it was very enlightening."

"Of course it was."

"It's true! Ask my grandmother!"

"Your grandmother passed away two years ago!"

"Okay. Maybe I was lying about the stolen part. It was burned at the stake like a witch. Those people were non believers of the Best Friend God. Best Friend god rest it's soul."

I laughed as Katherine crossed herself and looked up to the sky, pretending to weep. She was going all in for this lie. She started to laugh with me as we neared the lake.

I sat down on the bank and took off my shoes. Katherine copied and put her feet into the water like I did. I sighed and swirled my feet in the water and took out my hair, letting it flow free in the gentle breeze.

"So. Are you going to tell your brothers?" Katherine asked. I looked over to her and shrugged. "Your brothers will want to know."

"You're right... but I don't even know if he wants anything more. What if he was just looking for a kiss? Then if I told my brothers, they'd go insane. They'd probably kill him and hide his body for years." I joked, getting a look from Katherine. I sighed again and ran a hand through my hair.

"I will tell them... eventually. I want to know what Alex and I have first, before doing anything rash." I explained. Katherine nodded, agreeing with me.

"If anything happens, you'll tell me, right?" Katherine asked.

"Of course I will. I mean, it's in the constitution." I joked, winking at her. Katherine laughed and I laughed with her.


I walked back to my room, smiling, as I put my hair up in a bun. I spent the day with Katherine by the lake. We don't have enough of those days.

Just as I reached my door, I saw Thomas come up from beside me.

"Excited to see me, Princess?" He asked, pointing out my smile. I restrained myself from not giving him a look of complete annoyance.

"Whatever makes you happy, Thomas." I replied, not in the mood to talk with him.

"I'm taking that as a yes." He said triumphantly. I rolled my eyes, out of his view.

"I'm going to freshen up before dinner. See you there." I said, trying to end the conversation.

I slipped into my room and tried to close the door, only to see that his foot blocking it.

"Doesn't that hurt your foot?" I asked, annoyed.

"Not as much as it hurt you when you fell from heaven." He flirted. I crinkled my nose and gagged away from the door. Is that the best he could come up with?

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