25. I Knew It!

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"Oh, Nothing. Just... you." He said, smirking at me. I wiggled in my seat and saw Thomas carrying a white cloth and a coil of rope. I stood up and backed away from him as he advanced.

"Thomas... I will do it." I warned as my back hit the hedge that surrounded the garden. I held the hilt of my knife behind my back. He inches closer and I readjusted my grip on my knife.

"Do what? Scream?" He joked, laughing. He got closer and I pretended to nod like I was scared. He smiled and got closer to my body. Once he was close enough, I kneed him in the stomach. He fell to the ground and I sprinted away.

"JOHNATHON! NATHANIEL!" I screamed, suddenly lost in the garden I knew so well. I looked right, then left, then right again. I ran to my right and ended up at another t-intersection. I heard footsteps pound behind me on the gravel.

I turned down another path and I was met by a dead end. I swore and turned around, only to be met by Thomas and three other men. Each one brandishing a silver sword.

"It'll be a lot easier if you just give up." Thomas explained. I spat at him and kneed him again. I stabbed the one on his left, and he fell to the ground. The guy on the right kicked me in the side. I let out a yelp of pain and sliced him also. The other guy punched me in the jaw, causing me to run into the hedges that surrounded us.

"Get her under control, dam**t!" Thomas seethed from the ground, rubbing his jaw and spitting blood on the ground next to the other one.

"You're welcome to try, your highness." One guard spat, pulling my hands behind my back. He tied them tightly behind my back and I hissed. I kicked one guy and sent him sprawling into the ground.

I smirked and the third guy put the white cloth over my mouth. I thrashed against the man holding me but he held strong. I tried to kick, but Thomas shoved my legs down and shoved me against the hedge.

I tried to scream, but it was muffled by the cloth. My movements started to slow and the three men's faces started to melt together, and fading into the darkness.

**Johnathon's POV**

"I'm a little worried about her, Nathaniel. She hasn't left her office"

"JOHNATHON! NATHANIEL!" Angelica screamed. Without a second's hesitation, Nathaniel and I sprinted towards the gardens.

"Angelica!" I yelled. Nathaniel copied. We heard a yelp of pain and ran into the gardens, trying to find our sister.

"Let's split up. We'll find her" I was cut off by another scream, but it was suddenly cut off. That doesn't sound good.

"ANGELICA!" Nathaniel and I yelled. We stopped at mother's tree and saw her glasses set on the seat, neatly. She never leaves her glasses out. I saw multiple sets of footprints and gestured to them.

Nathaniel nodded and we followed them, trying to be silent as we padded across the gravel. We turned a corner and saw a man with brown hair clutching his stomach, bleeding on the ground, and another one that was dead. She put up one he*l of a fight. That's my girl.

And then, I saw Alex standing with my sister's necklace in his hand. She never took that off. I looked over to the man on the ground and saw red. That bast*rd attacked my sister.

She's gone because of him. I walked over to the man and flipped him over onto his back with my foot. I knelt down to his level and he opened his eyes.

"Where's my sister?" I growled. The man kept his mouth shut and looked away. "WHERE THE HELL IS SHE?!" I yelled. I felt two strong hands grab my shoulders and push me away from the man.

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